Part 18 (1/2)

Summer Of Love Gian Bordin 65630K 2022-07-22

”No, but you may model the things you got,” he answered with a smile.

Dismayed by his lack of interest in the cost, she laughed embarra.s.sed. ”Would you like me to?”

”Yes, I can hardly wait.”

She removed her little russet jacket, and began slipping out of her petticoat. ”Turn around. I don't want you to look at me like that.”

”Do I have to? I love to see you.”

”Only if you promise to stay where you are.”


She slipped her petticoat over her head, lifting her proud, full b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

”You promised, Andrew!” she exclaimed, when she saw the desire in his eyes. She put on the soft corselet and turned around: ”Lace it up for me, please, but not too tightly.”

He did it and took advantage of it to kiss her neck, murmuring: ”You look gorgeous, my love.”

She reached for the dark blue gown and opened the b.u.t.tons in front.

”But you can't wear this dress over my pants,” he chuckled.

Disconcerted, she turned her back to him, removed them, and quickly slipped the dress over her head. Then she put on the pumps and straightened to face him again, slowly b.u.t.toning the front of the dress, looking at him provocatively. The dress made her seem taller, accentuating her bust.

He was stunned by the transformation. In front of him stood not the la.s.s in the s.h.i.+elings that he had known, but a fas.h.i.+onable society woman.

”You like it?”

”Oh, Helen, you look so beautiful, like a lady.”

”Do I? Will you take me like this to Edinburgh?”

”In this gown, I'll take you to London to parade in front of the king.”

”Mrs. Morgan said that the color suits me well... She's pregnant, so she doesn't think that she'll ever get into these dresses again... She asked me if we were married yet, and I said no.” Helen paused, blus.h.i.+ng deeply. When she continued, her voice was almost inaudible. ”She said she would be willing to ask the minister of their church to marry us tomorrow morning, Andrew.”

Andrew's heart leaped in his chest. ”But you said you needed more time.”

”I know I said that, but I'm confused. My mind tells me one thing, my heart another.” She took three rapid steps and put her arms around his neck. ”I love you, Andrew, more than anything. I want to be with you forever ... be your wife. Do you still want to marry me?”

”Oh, Helen, how can you even ask. It's my greatest wish.”

Her lips searched his and he responded eagerly.

”Shall I tell her to arrange it?”

”Yes, Helen, please do.”

Quickly she sauntered out of the room. His head was still spinning from the sudden turn of events. We'll get married! He could hardly believe it.

Helen returned soon and said that dinner was ready and that they were expected in the dining room on the ground floor.

”May I come like this, Andrew?”

”I would be very proud if you came like this.”

She hooked her arm into his and they walked down to the dining room, her face radiant. The landlady greeted them with an approving smile and showed them to their table.

It was apparent that Helen was intrigued, almost embarra.s.sed to being served attentively. Initially, she struggled a bit with the cutlery, but copying Andrew, she quickly managed. The meal was simple, but tasty. They drank a bottle of light claret. Not being used to wine, Helen got giggly. By the end of their leisurely meal she could hardly keep her eyes open any longer. The strain of the long ride and the excitement, aided by the drink, was taking its toll. She tried to stifle her yawns. Andrew suggested that they go upstairs.

Once back in their room, he asked almost timidly: ”Helen, may I sleep with you in the same bed?”

”Yes, Andrew, but I'm too tired and too sore to make love.”

”That's fine. Just holding you close is more than I dared hoping a day ago.”

She let him undress her like a child. He opened the b.u.t.tons of her dress and helped her out of it. Then he undid the laces of her corselet. Without even looking at him, she literally fell under the covers, turned to the wall, and within a few seconds was asleep. He put her clothing carefully over a chair, undressed himself, and lay at her back. He folded an arm protectively around her, cupping one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She snuggled up to him. For a long time, he experienced the full intensity of the softness of her skin, the subtle s.h.i.+fts of pressure on his body as she breathed, the euphoria of his happiness, being pleasantly aroused, until sleep transported him away too.

In his dreams he heard Helen's stifled cries and was suddenly wide awake. She was sitting up, trembling, and sobbing silently. He put an arm around her, rocking her gently back and forth, crooning her name. After a while her sobs subsided, and they lay down again.

”I love you,” he whispered. She mumbled something in response without opening her mouth and snuggled up to him again.

Thursday morning, after a late, but hearty breakfast-Helen's first chocolate drink-Mrs. Morgan informed them that she had arranged with the minister for the wedding to take place at eleven in the morning, but that the minister wanted to talk to them half an hour earlier. She also told them that she and her husband would serve as witnesses. While Helen blushed, Andrew beamed.

When the landlady was out of hearing, Helen whispered: ”You know, she told me yesterday that you seemed to be a very nice and considerate young man and that I would surely be happy with you.”

”Is that the reason why you changed your mind about marrying me?”

”No, you silly. I knew that myself. What other man would find it all right when his wife tells him that she's too tired to make love?”

”Oh, such lame excuses won't count anymore once you've promised in front of the minister to obey me.” He winked at her.

”Then I won't promise to obey you.” It was now her turn to wink.

He laughed.

Their intention was to stop at the inn after the ceremony just long enough to change into riding gear and leave town right away. Helen wore her new blue gown. She had again borrowed Andrew's long white silk stockings and a pair of his underdrawers, which she found intriguing and practical. While in Italy, he had adopted the habit of wearing them. The bonnet completed her outfit. Andrew had put on his good spare clothing which the landlady had tidied up early in the morning.

While Helen packed the saddle bags and folded her new clothes into a cloth bag obtained from Mrs. Morgan, Andrew visited the local goldsmith and bought two gold wedding bands. When he came back, they finished packing, got the horses saddled, and settled the account with the innkeeper.

Shortly after ten, they walked up to the church, just two crooked streets away. The minister received them in his sanctuary off the little side-chapel where he conducted weddings and baptisms. He was an elderly man with a kind face. His relief was obvious when he heard that they were both over twenty-one. He instructed them about the responsibilities of marriage and the duties of bringing up their children as good Christians. After several attempts, he finally posed the question that had seemed to be on his mind all along, whether the bride was with child. He was somewhat disconcerted when Helen answered firmly ”no”, but then praised them for their abstinence, elaborating at length on the sin of intercourse prior to marriage. A sly smile fleetingly crossed her face.

The minister then explained the ceremony. By that time, it was close to eleven, and they all entered the side chapel. Two old women knelt in the second to the last row of seats, praying. They sat up, sticking their heads together and whispering, when the minister led Andrew and Helen to the front, where Mr. Morgan and his wife were already waiting. The latter smiled at them, while her husband looked somewhat embarra.s.sed.

Andrew beamed happily at his lovely bride, standing in front of the minister, with Mr. Morgan to Andrew's right and his wife to Helen's left. The two old women rose too. After a short preamble, announcing the intention of Andrew Matthew Campbell to join in holy matrimony with Helen Mary Campbell, the minister raised his voice and asked into the empty church: ”If any Christian has reasons for this marriage not to be made, ye shall speak now or remain silent forever more.”

Suddenly, the ominous sound of running footsteps reverberated loudly through the high Gothic vaults of the church's main nave, and Dougal MacGregor's booming voice echoed: ”I do!”