Part 31 (1/2)
”Oh, we'll find out, all right. As soon as we're through the point I'm going to haul Lanton up here for a long, cozy chat.” I checked the readouts, cascade point in seventeen minutes. ”Look, you might as well go to your cabin and hit the sack. I know it's your turn, but you were up late with that spare parts delivery and you're due some downtime.”
She hesitated; wanting to accept, no doubt, but slowed by considerations of duty. ”Well... all right. I'm taking the next one, then. I don't know, though; maybe you shouldn't be up here alone. In case Lanton's miscalculated.””You mean if Bradley goes berserk or something?” That thought had been lurking in my mind, too, though it sounded rather ridiculous when spoken out loud.
Still... ”I can lower the pressure in the pa.s.senger deck corridor to half an atmosphere. That'll be enough to lock the doors without triggering any vacuum alarms.”
”Leaves Lanton on his own in case of trouble... but I suppose that's okay.”
”He's the one who's so sure it's safe. Go on, now-get out of here.”
She nodded and headed for the door. She paused there, though, her hand resting on the release. ”Don't just haul Lanton away from Bradley when you want to talk to him,” she called back over her shoulder. ”Try to run into him in the lounge or somewhere instead when he's already alone. It might be hard on Bradley to know you two were off somewhere together talking about him.” She slapped the release, almost viciously, and was gone.
I stared after her for a long minute, wondering if I'd actually seen a crack in that heavy armor plate. The bleep of the intercom brought me back to the task at hand, Kate telling me the pa.s.sengers were all down and that she, Leeds, and Wilkinson had taken their own sleepers. One by one the other six crewers also checked in. Within ten minutes they would be asleep, and I would be in sole charge of my s.h.i.+p.
Twelve minutes to go. Even with the Dancer's old manual setup there was little that needed to be done. I laid the hard copy of the computer's instructions where it would be legible but not in the way, shut down all the external sensors and control surfaces, and put the computer and other electronic equipment into neutral/standby mode. The artificial gravity I left on; I'd tried a cascade point without it once and would never do so again. Then I waited, trying not to think of what was coming... and at the appropriate time I lifted the safety cover and twisted the field generator control k.n.o.b.
And suddenly there were five of us in the room.
I will never understand how the first person to test the Colloton Drive ever made it past this point. The images silently surrounding me a bare arm's length away were lifesize, lifelike, and-at first glance, anyway-as solid as the panels and chairs they seemed to have displaced. It took a careful look to realize they were actually slightly transparent, like some kind of colored gla.s.s, and a little experimentation at that point would show they had less substance than air. They were nothing but ghosts, specters straight out of childhoods scariest stories. Which merely added to the discomfort... because all of them were me.
Five seconds later the second set of images appeared, perfectly aligned with the first. After that they came more and more quickly, as the s.p.a.cing between them similarly decreased, forming an ever-expanding horizontal cross with me at the center. I watched-forced myself to watch-knew I had to watch-as the lines continued to lengthen, watched until they were so long that I could no longer discern whether any more were being added.I took a long, shuddering breath-peripherally aware that the images nearest me were doing the same-and wiped a shaking hand across my forehead. You don't have to look, I told myself, eyes rigidly fixed on the back of the image in front of me. You've seen it all before. What's the point? But I'd fought this fight before, and I knew in advance I would lose. There was indeed no more point to it than there was to pressing a bruise, but it held an equal degree of compulsion.
Bracing myself, I turned my head and gazed down the line of images strung out to my left.
The armchair philosophers may still quibble over what the cascade point images ”really” are, but those of us who fly the small s.h.i.+ps figured it out long ago.
The Colloton field puts us into a different type of s.p.a.ce, possibly an entire universe worth of it-that much is established fact. Somehow this s.p.a.ce links us into a set of alternate realities, universes that might have been if things had gone differently... and what I was therefore seeing around me were images of what I would be doing in each of those universes.
Sure, the theory has problems. Obviously, I should generate a separate pseudoreality every time I choose ham instead of turkey for lunch, and just as obviously such trivial changes don't make it into the pattern. Only the four images closest to me are ever exactly my doubles; even the next ones in line are noticeably if subtly different. But it's not a matter of subconscious suggestion, either. Too many of the images are... unexpected... for that.
It was no great feat to locate the images I particularly needed to see: the white-and-gold liner captain's uniforms stood out brilliantly among the more dingy jumpsuits and coveralls on either side. Liner captain. In charge of a fully equipped, fully modernized s.h.i.+p; treated with the respect and admiration such a position brought. It could have been-should have been. And to make things worse, I knew the precise decision that had lost it to me.
It had been eight years now since the uniforms had appeared among my cascade images; ten since the day I'd thrown Lord Hendrik's son off the bridge of the training s.h.i.+p and simultaneously guaranteed myself a blackballing with every major company in the business. Could I have handled the situation differently?
Probably. Should I have? Given the state of the art then, no. A man who, after three training missions, still went borderline claustrophobic every time he had to stay awake through a cascade point had no business aboard a s.h.i.+p, let alone on its bridge. Hendrik might have forgiven me once he thought things through. The kid, who was forced into a ground position with the firm, never did. Eventually, of course, he took over the business.
I had no way of knowing that four years later the Aker-Ming Autotorque would eliminate the need for anyone to stay awake through cascade maneuvers. I doubt seriously the kid appreciated the irony of it all.
In the eight years since the liner captain uniforms had appeared they had been gradually moving away from me along all four arms of the cross. Five more years, I estimated, and they would be far enough down the line to disappear into the ma.s.s of images crowded together out there. Whether my reaction to that event would be relief or sadness I didn't yet know, but there was no doubt in my mind that it would in some way be the end of a chapter in my life. I gazed at the figures for another minute... and then, with my ritual squeezing of the bruise accomplished, I let my eyes drift up and down the rest of the line.
They were unremarkable, for the most part: minor variations in my appearance or clothing. The handful that had once showed me in some nons.p.a.cing job had long since vanished toward infinity; I'd been out here a long time. Perhaps too long... a thought the half-dozen or so gaps in each arm of the pattern underlined with unnecessary force. I'd told Bradley that s.h.i.+ps like the Dancer rarely crashed, a perfectly true statement; but what I hadn't mentioned was that the chances of simply disappearing en route were something rather higher. None of us liked to think about that, especially during critical operations like cascade point maneuvers. But the gaps in the image pattern were a continual reminder that people still died in s.p.a.ce. In six possible realities, apparently, I'd made a decision that killed me.
Taking another deep breath, I forced all of that as far from my mind as I could and activated the Dancer's flywheel.
Even on the bridge the hum was audible as the ma.s.sive chunk of metal began to spin. A minute later it had reached its top speed... and the entire s.h.i.+p's counter- rotation began to register on the gyroscope set behind gla.s.s in the ceiling above my head. The device looked out of place, a decided anachronism among the modern instruments, control circuits, and readouts filling the bridge. But using it was the only way a s.h.i.+p our size could find its way safely through a cascade point. The enhanced electron tunneling effect that fouled up electronic instrument performance was well understood; what was still needed was a way to predict the precise effect a given cascade point rotation would generate. Without such predictability, readings couldn't even be given adjustment factors. Cascade navigation thus had to fall back on gross electrical and purely mechanical systems: flywheel, physical gyroscope, simple on-off controls, and a nonelectronic decision maker. Me. Slowly, the long needle above me crept around its dial. I watched its reflection carefully in the magnifying mirror, a system that allowed me to see the indicator without having to break my neck looking up over my shoulder. Around me, the cascade images did their own slow dance, a strange kaleidoscopic thing that moved the images and gaps around within each branch of the cross, while the branches themselves remained stationary relative to me. The effect was unexplained; but then, Colloton field theory left a lot of things unexplained.
Mathematically, the basic idea was relatively straightforward: the s.p.a.ce we were in right now could be described by a type of bilinear conformal mapping- specifically, a conjugate inversion that maps lines into circles. From that point it was all downhill, the details tangling into a soup of singularities, branch points, and confluent Riemann surfaces; but what it all eventually boiled down to was that a yaw rotation of the s.h.i.+p here would become a linear translation when I shut down the field generator and we reentered normal s.p.a.ce. The Dancer's rotation was coming up on two degrees now, which for the particular configuration we were in meant we were already about half a light-year closer to our destination.
Another-I checked the printout-one point three six and I would shut down the flywheel, letting the Dancer's momentum carry her an extra point two degree for a grand total of eight light-years.
The needle crept to the mark, and I threw the flywheel switch, simultaneously giving my full attention over to the gyro. Theoretically, over- or undershooting the mark could be corrected during the next cascade point-or by fiddling the flywheel back and forth now-but it was simpler not to have to correct at all. The need to make sure we were stationary was another matter entirely; if the Dancer were still rotating when I threw the field switch we would wind up strung out along a million kilometers or more of s.p.a.ce. I thought of the gaps in my cascade image pattern and s.h.i.+vered.
But that was all the closer death was going to get to me, at least this time. The delicately balanced spin lock worked exactly as it was supposed to, freezing the field switch in place until the s.h.i.+p's rotation was as close to zero as made no difference. I shut off the field and watched my duplicates disappear in reverse order, waiting until the last four vanished before confirming the stars were once again visible through the bridges tiny viewport. I sighed; and fighting the black depression that always seized me at this point, I turned the Dancer's systems back on and set the computer to figuring our exact position. Someday, I thought, I'd be able to afford to buy Aker-Ming Autotorques and never, never have to go through this again.
And someday I'd swim the Pacific Ocean, too.
Slumping back in my chair, I waited for the computer to finish its job and allowed the tears to flow.
Crying, for me, has always been the simplest and fastest way of draining off tension, and I've always felt a little sorry for men who weren't able to appreciate its advantages. This time was no exception, and I was feeling almost back to normal by the time the computer produced its location figures. I was still poring over them twenty minutes later when Alana returned to the bridge. ”Another cascade point successfully hurdled, I see,” she commented tiredly. ”Hurray for our side.”
”I thought you were supposed to be taking a real nap, not just a sleeper's worth,” I growled at her over my shoulder.
”I woke up and decided to take a walk,” she answered, her voice suddenly businesslike. ”What's wrong?”
I handed her a printout, pointed to the underlined numbers. ”The gyroscope reading says we're theoretically dead on position. The stars say we're short.”
”Wumph!” Frowning intently at the paper, she kicked around the other chair and sat down. ”Twenty light-days. That's what, twice the expected error for this point? Great. You double-checked everything, of course?”
”Triple-checked. The computer confirmed the gyro reading, and the astrogate program's got positive ident on twenty stars. Margin of errors no greater than ten light-minutes on either of those.”
”Yeah.” She eyed me over the pages. ”Anything funny in the cargo?”
I gestured to the manifest in front of me. ”We've got three boxes of technical equipment that include Ming metal,” I said. ”All three are in the s.h.i.+eld. I checked that before we lifted.”
”Maybe the s.h.i.+elds sprung a leak,” she suggested doubtfully.
”It's supposed to take a h.e.l.l of a break before the stuff inside can affect cascade point configuration.”
”I can go check if you'd like.”
”No, don't bother. There's no rush now, and Wilkinson's had more experience with s.h.i.+eld boxes. He can take a look when he wakes up. I'd rather you stay here and help me do a complete programming check. Unless you'd like to obey orders and go back to bed.”
She smiled faintly. ”No, thanks; I'll stay. Um... I could even start things alone if you'd like to go to the lounge for a while.”
”I'm fine,” I growled, irritated by the suggestion.
”I know,” she said. ”But Lanton was down there alone when I pa.s.sed by on my way here.”
I'd completely forgotten about Lanton and Bradley, and it took a couple of beats for me to catch on. Cross-examining a man in the middle of cascade depression wasn't a terrifically nice thing to do, but I wasn't feeling terrifically nice at the moment. ”Start with the astrogate program,” I told Alana, getting to my feet.
”Give me a shout if you find anything.”
Lanton was still alone in the lounge when I arrived. ”Doctor,” I nodded to him as I sat down in the chair across from his. ”How are you feeling?” The question was more for politeness than information; the four empty on the end table beside him and the half-full one in his hand showed how he'd chosen to deal with his depression. I'd learned long ago that crying was easier on the liver.
He managed a weak smile. ”Better, Captain; much better. I was starting to think I was the only one left on the s.h.i.+p.”
”You're not even the only one awake,” I said. ”The other pa.s.sengers will be wandering in shortly-you people get a higher-dose sleeper than the crew takes.”
He shook his head. ”Lord, but that was weird. No wonder you want everyone to sleep through it. I can't remember the last time I felt this rotten.””It'll pa.s.s,” I a.s.sured him. ”How did Mr. Bradley take it?”
”Oh, fine. Much better than I did, though he fell apart just as badly when it was over. I gave him a sedative-the coward's way out, but I wasn't up to more demanding therapy at the moment.”