Part 41 (1/2)
=Knox College.= Presbyterian Theological College, established, 1844.
=Index=: =R= Established by Free Church Presbyterians, a secondary school at first, 155. =Bib.=: Caven, _Historical Sketch of Knox College_ in _Canada: An Ency._, vol. 4.
=Knutsford, Henry Thurston Holland, first Viscount= (1825- ).
Represented Midhurst in Parliament, 1874-1885, and Hampstead, 1885-1888; secretary of state for the colonies, 1887-1892. =Index=: =Md= Macdonald's letter to, on Confederation, 158.
=Kondiaronk.= =F= Huron chief, wrecks peace negotiations with Iroquois, 222. =L= Treachery of, 216; becomes friend of the French, 235. =Bib.=: Parkman, _Frontenac_.
=Kootenay District.= In British Columbia. =Index=: =D= First explored by David Thompson, 58.
=Kuprianoff, Ivan Andreevich.= =D= Succeeds Wrangell in Russian America, 1836, 45.
=L'Alouette.= =Ch= One of De Caen's vessels, 156.
=L'Ange, Captain.= =Ch= Meets Champlain on his return from the Upper Ottawa, 78.
=L'Anticoton.= =Ch= Pamphlet against Jesuits, 153.
=L'Avenir.= Newspaper, of Montreal. =C= Organ of _Club democratique_, 26, 27. =E= Organ of the _Parti Rouge_, 108. =BL= Organ of the Radicals of Lower Canada,--demands universal suffrage, etc., 343.
=Laas, Captain de.= =WM= In battle of Ste. Foy, 263.
=La Barre, Joseph Antoine Lefebvre de.= Governor of La Guyane in 1665; and in 1682 arrived in Quebec as governor of Canada. His administration marked by hopeless incompetence; recalled, 1685. =Index=: =L= Succeeds Frontenac as governor, 168; a feeble administrator, 185; prejudiced at first against the bishop, 188; convokes a special a.s.sembly, 190; asks for more troops, 191; his expedition against Iroquois, 193; makes terms of peace, 193; recalled, 193. =F= Governor, arrival of, 171; summons conference on Indian question, 172; applies for troops, 172; criticized in despatches by intendant, 173, 174; takes to illegitimate trading, 175; disparages discoveries of La Salle, 176; seizes Fort Frontenac and Fort St. Louis, 177, 179; instructed to restore to La Salle all his property, 180; his unwise instruction to Iroquois, 180; decides to make war on Senecas, 181; corresponds with Colonel Dongan, governor of New York, 182; leads expedition, 183; arranges ignominious terms of peace, 186; recalled, 188; unfitness for his position, 189; results of his weak policy, 198, 209. =Bib.=: Parkman, _Frontenac_ and _La Salle_.
=Laberge, C. J.= =C= A Liberal leader in Quebec, 25; on Dorion, 28; kept in opposition by Radical programme, 29.
=Labrador.= The name has been popularly applied to the whole territory bounded by the Atlantic, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay, which includes not only the Labrador coast-strip, but also a portion of the North-West Territories. Also known at one time as New Britain. The name is properly applied to the strip of coast from Cape Chidley to Blanc Sablon, forming a dependency of the colony of Newfoundland. On various theories as to origin of name, _see_ Ganong, _Cartography of Gulf of St. Lawrence_ (R.
S. C., 1889). The boundaries have long been in dispute between Newfoundland and Canada, and the territory has several times changed hands. The Labrador coast was first discovered by the Northmen, in the tenth century. Cabot sailed along the coast in 1498, and Corte-Real in 1500. The interior remained practically unexplored till traversed by officers of the Hudson's Bay Company about 1840. There are a few posts of the Hudson's Bay Company on the coast. The southern portion is inhabited by a primitive race of fishermen; in the north are several missions of the Moravian Brethren, first established there in 1764.
=Index=: =Dr= Canadians pet.i.tion for its restoration to Canada. =Bib.=: Cartwright, _Sixteen Years on the Coast of Labrador_; Hind, _Explorations in Interior of Labrador_; Packard, _The Labrador Coast_; Stearns, _Labrador_; Dawson, _Canada and Newfoundland_; Grenfell, _Labrador_; Hubbard, _A Woman's Way through Unknown Labrador_; Gosling, _Labrador, Its Discovery and Development_.
=Labreche, L.= =E= Member of the _Parti Rouge_, 108.
=La Caffiniere, De.= =F= Commander of squadron sent against New York, 234.
=La Canardiere.= =F= Former name of Beauport flats, 293. =WM= French position on Beauport sh.o.r.e, 94, 105, 134.
=Lac aux Claies.= =S= Renamed Lake Simcoe in honour of Governor Simcoe's father, 207. _See_ Simcoe.
=Lac de Soissons.= =Ch= Name given by Champlain to Lake of Two Mountains, 75.
=La Chaise, Francois d'Aix= (1624-1709). Born at the castle of Aix in Forez. Entered Society of Jesus, and provincial of his order when selected by Louis XIV as his confessor in 1675. Retained that difficult position up to the time of his death. =Index=: =L= His report on the liquor question, 174; his letter to Laval, 238.
=La Chesnaye.= _See_ Aubert de la Chesnaye.
=La Chesnaye Settlement.= =F= Iroquois raid on, 226. =L= Ravaged by Iroquois, 228.
=Lachine.= Said to have been named by La Salle's men, in derision of his dream of a westward pa.s.sage to China. The land was granted by the Sulpicians to La Salle as a seigniory in 1666; and from here he set forth on his memorable explorations, in 1669. Twenty years later, this was the scene of a terrible ma.s.sacre by the Iroquois. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Lachine became of importance as the starting-point of the brigades of the fur traders, bound for the far West. =Index=: =L= Origin of the name, 148; ma.s.sacre of, 225. =F= Description of ma.s.sacre at, 10, 224, 225. =Bib.=: Parkman, _La Salle_ and _Frontenac_; Girouard, _Lake St. Louis and Cavelier de la Salle_.
=Lachine Ca.n.a.l.= =BL= Construction of, provided for by government in 1841, 98. =Bib.=: Rheaume, _Lachine and Origin of its Ca.n.a.l_ (Women's Can. Hist. Soc. _Trans._, vol. 2). _See also_
=Lachine Railway.= =E= Commenced in 1846, 99.
=La Colonbiere, De.= =L= On zeal and devotion of Laval, 23; preaches Laval's funeral sermon, 40, 265; his account of Laval, 256, 257.