Part 40 (1/2)

=Kaministiquia, or Kaministikwia, Fort.= At mouth of river of same name, north-west sh.o.r.e of Lake Superior. Built by Zacharie Robutel de La Noue, in 1717. La Verendrye wintered there in 1731, while making preparations for his western explorations. The site abandoned in favour of Grand Portage, which became for many years, under both French and British rule, the jumping-off place for the western fur country. Fort William was afterwards built on or near the site of the old French fort.

=Kane, Paul= (1810-1871). Born in Toronto. Received his first training under Drury, the drawing-master at Upper Canada College. Spent the years 1836-1840 in the United States; and then sailed for Europe, where he studied art in Italy and throughout the continent. Returned to Toronto in 1845, and shortly after set out on a tour of the western territories of the Hudson's Bay Company. Visited many of the tribes, from Lake Superior to the Pacific, and brought back with him in 1848 several hundred sketches, from which he painted a series of oil pictures of Indian life and western scenery. Some years after, published a narrative of this journey, ill.u.s.trated from his own sketches. =Bib.=: _Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America_. For biog., _see_ Morgan, _Cel. Can._; _Cyc. Am. Biog._; MacMurchy, _Canadian Literature_.

=Kaye, John W.= =BL= Quoted on Metcalfe, 156, 158; on La Fontaine and Baldwin, 169-171; on Metcalfe, 176, 186, 236, 237. =B= Defends Metcalfe's att.i.tude towards political parties in Canada, 24. =Bib.=: Works: _Life and Correspondence of Lord Metcalfe_; _Administration of East India Company_; _Lives of Indian Officers_; _Life of Sir John Malcolm_.

=Keefer, Thomas Coltrin= (1821- ). Born at Thorold, Ontario. Engaged in the enlargement of the Welland Ca.n.a.l, 1841-1845, and then transferred to the Ottawa River works, 1845-1849. Made a survey of the St. Lawrence rapids, 1850; and prepared the report and plans which resulted in the building of the Victoria bridge at Montreal. Instrumental in securing the deepening of the St. Lawrence channel and the adoption of the standard gauge on Canadian railways. Served as Canadian commissioner at the London exhibitions of 1851 and 1862, and the Paris exhibition of 1878, and also on the International Deep Waterways Commission. Author of a number of articles and papers on engineering and public questions.

=Bib.=: Works: _Philosophy of Railways_; of Canada_; _Report on Victoria Bridge_; _Canadian Waterways_. _See also_ in Bourinot's bibliography (R. S. C., 1894). For biog., _see_ Morgan, _Can. Men_; Dent, _Can. Por._

=Kempt, Sir James= (1764-1854). Commanded brigade in Peninsula, 1812; and division at Waterloo, 1815; governor of Nova Scotia, 1820-1828; and governor of Canada, 1828-1830. Made a privy-councillor, 1830; master-general of ordnance, 1834-1838; general, 1841. =Index=: =BL= His efforts at conciliation, 20. =P= Succeeds Lord Dalhousie as governor, 70; his att.i.tude towards Canadians, 70; his report, 1829, on the political situation in Lower Canada, 71. =Bib.=: Morgan, _Cel. Can._; _Dict. Nat. Biog._; Christie, _History of Lower Canada_.

=Kendrick, Captain John.= American seaman. Trading on North-West Coast, 1787-1793. Killed in Sandwich Islands, 1793. =Index=: =D= Voyage to North-West Coast in 1787, 23; at Nootka, 24; credited with rediscovery of strait of Juan de Fuca, 25.

=Kennebec River.= A river of the state of Maine, rising in Moosehead Lake; about 200 miles long. =Index=: =Dr= Arnold's march up, 107.

=Kennedy, Captain.= =B= Agitates through newspapers and Toronto Board of Trade importance of acquiring and settling North-West Territories, 216; writes Lord Elgin on same subject, 216.

=Kennedy, Sir Arthur Edward= (1810-1883). Governor of Vancouver Island, 1863-1867. Subsequently governor of Queensland. Died in Brisbane.

=Kennedy, William Na.s.sau= (1839-1885). Born at Darlington, Ontario.

Served as a lieutenant in the Ontario Rifles with the Red River Expedition, 1870. Settled in Winnipeg, and appointed registrar of deeds, 1872. A member of the North-West Council, 1873; mayor of Winnipeg, 1875-1876. Organized the Winnipeg Field Battery and subsequently colonel of the 90th Rifles. Accompanied the Canadian _Voyageurs_ to Egypt, as paymaster of the contingent, 1885. Served through the campaign, but died at London on his way home to Canada.

=Kennedy's Regiment.= =WM= On British right, 189.

=Kenny, Sir Edward= (1800-1891). Born in Kerry County, Ireland.

Emigrated to Nova Scotia. Summoned to the Senate at Confederation.

Became receiver-general in federal ministry, 1867-1869; president of the Privy Council, 1869-1870. For a time acting lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia. Vacated his seat in the Senate, 1876. =Index=: =Md= Receiver-general in first Dominion Cabinet, 134; represents Irish Roman Catholics, 135. =T= receiver-general in first Dominion Cabinet, 129. =H= Member of first Dominion Cabinet, 198.

=Kent and Strathern, Edward Augustus, Duke of= (1767-1820). Fourth son of George III and father of Queen Victoria. Sent to Canada, 1791; served in West Indies, 1794; returned to Canada, 1796; commander-in-chief of forces in British North America, 1799-1800; governor of Gibraltar, 1802-1803; field-marshal, 1805. =Index=: =S= Commands 7th Fusiliers in garrison at Quebec, 47; visits Simcoe at Navy Hall, 183; visits Niagara Falls, 183; is entertained by Robert Hamilton at Queenston, 184. =Dr= Arrival of, 270; popularity of, 275; service at Halifax, 276. =MS= Stationed in Canada, 98; his friends.h.i.+p for Alexander Mackenzie, 98.

=Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._

=Kent Lodge.= Near Quebec. =Index=: =Hd= Formerly Montmorency House, Haldimand's summer residence, 345.

=Kentucky.= =Dr= Movements on foot in, for separation from other American states, 247, 249.

=Kerr.= =T= Elected as Confederation candidate for Northumberland, N.

B., 107; moves the address in New Brunswick a.s.sembly, 115.

=Kerr, D. S.= =W= Council for Doak and Hill in libel case, 75.

=Kerr, W. J.= =Mc= Attempts Mackenzie's, 218; tried and convicted, 220.

=Ketchum, Jesse.= =Mc= Elected to the a.s.sembly, 150; delivers rejoinder to governor, 300.

=Kicking Horse Pa.s.s.= Through Rocky Mountains, north of lat. 51, length 104 miles, and elevation at watershed 5300 feet. This pa.s.s is followed by the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. It was explored and named by Dr. Hector, of the Palliser expedition, in 1858.

=Killaly, H. H.= Represented town of London in first Parliament after the union of 1841; chairman of the board of public works, 1841-1844, and 1844-1846. =Index=: =Sy= Made president of board of works for united province, 333. =BL= Commissioner of public works, 1841, 76; a moderate Liberal, 78; remains in office under La Fontaine-Baldwin government, 133, 134. =Bib.=: Dent, _Last Forty Years_.

=Killian, Doran.= =T= Recruits Fenian army in New York, 105; his force arrives at Eastport, 105.

=King, Dr.= =Mc= Aids Mackenzie's escape, 389.

=King, Rev. Wm.= =B= Moving spirit in negro settlement in Upper Canada, 113.