Part 36 (1/2)
=Hodgins, John George= (1821- ). Born in Dublin. Came to Canada, 1833.
Educated at Upper Canada Academy, Victoria College, and Toronto University. Appointed to department of education of Upper Canada, 1844; secretary of provincial board of education; 1846; deputy superintendent of education, 1855; deputy minister of education, 1876-1889; librarian and historiographer of the education department since 1889. =Index=: =R= Graduate of Victoria College, 144; Ryerson's right-hand man, 179, 202; his estimate of children attending school in 1845, 189; objections noted to School Act of 1870-1871, 205; his history of separate schools in Upper Canada, 234; on Ryerson's last days, 295-296. =Bib.=: Works: _Doc.u.mentary History of Education in Upper Canada_; _Legislation and History of Separate Schools in Upper Canada_. For biog., _see_ Morgan, _Can. Men_; _Canadian Who's Who_.
=Hodgson, Sir Robert= (1798-1880). Born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Educated at Windsor, Nova Scotia, and called to the bar of Nova Scotia and of Prince Edward Island, 1819. Appointed judge of Probate and attorney-general for Prince Edward Island, 1828; president of the Legislative Council, 1840. Appointed chief-justice, 1852, and judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, 1853; resigned both offices to accept the lieutenant-governors.h.i.+p of Prince Edward Island, 1874. Held office until 1879. Died in Charlottetown. =Bib.=: Campbell, _History of Prince Edward Island_.
=Holdernesse, Robert D'Arcy, fourth Earl of= (1718-1778). =WM= Wolfe's letter to, 166. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._
=Holland.= =S= Surveyor-general, Upper Canada, 178.
=Holland.= =Hd= Revolution in places William of Orange at head of affairs, 7. =Bk= British expedition to, under Duke of York, 13-22.
=Holland House.= =Dr= Occupied by Montgomery, 123.
=Holmes, B. E.= One of leaders of the Liberal party in Lower Canada, 50.
=Index=: =BL= At farewell banquet to La Fontaine, 1851, 354.
=Holmes, Charles= (1711-1761). Third in command under Sir Charles Saunders (_q.v._) before Quebec, 1759; commander-in-chief in West Indies, 1760-1761. =Index=: =WM= In command of second British fleet, 75; commands s.h.i.+ps above Quebec, 152; movements of his fleet up and down the river, 160, 163, 171. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._; Woods, _Logs of the Conquest of Canada_ and _The Fight for Canada_; Parkman, _Montcalm and Wolfe_.
=Holton, Luther Hamilton= (1817-1880). Entered public life, 1854, as one of the members for Montreal; elected to Legislative Council, 1862; resigned, 1863, and returned to the a.s.sembly as member for Chateauguay, which he represented to the time of his death; accepted portfolio of commissioner of public works in the short-lived Brown-Dorion government, 1858; minister of finance in the Macdonald-Dorion administration, 1863-1864. =Index=: =E= Signs Annexation Manifesto, 81; a.s.sociated with _Parti Rouge_, 108; adopts less radical views, 134. =B= Enters George Brown's ministry, 102; Brown's letter to, on Confederation, 131; on English views of Canadian politics, 143; opposed to coalition, 160; opposes Confederation scheme, 185; George Brown takes up question of reciprocity with, 192; Brown urges that he be sent to Was.h.i.+ngton on reciprocity mission, 192; opposed to Brown entering coalition ministry, 199, 200-203; George Brown writes of his determination to leave public life, 245-246. =C= Countenances annexation movement in 1849, 44-45.
=Bib.=: Dent, _Can. Por._ and _Last Forty Years_; Mackenzie, _Hon.
George Brown_; Pope, _Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald_; Willison, _Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal Party_; _Confederation Debates_.
=Holy Family.= =L= Devotion to, encouraged by Laval, 86; commended by Leo XIII, 86.
=Holy Scapulary.= =L= Chapel dedicated to, in church at Quebec, 84.
=Home Rule in Ireland.= =Md= Resolutions on, in Canadian Parliament, 1882, 277.
=Hope, Henry.= Lieutenant-governor of Quebec, 1785-1789. =Index=: =Dr= Lieutenant-governor and administrator, receives Carleton on his arrival at Quebec, 222; death of, 249. =Bib.=: Shortt and Doughty, _Const.i.tutional Doc.u.ments of Canada_.
=Hopkins, Caleb.= =B= A leader of the Clear Grits, 39. =E= One of the leaders of the Clear Grits, 110.
=Hopson, Peregrine Thomas.= Early entered the army and advanced rapidly.
Commander-in-chief of Louisbourg, when the place was restored to the French, 1649. Came to Halifax and appointed a member of the Council.
Governor of Nova Scotia, 1752; went to England, 1753. Raised to the rank of major general, 1757. Commanded an expedition against the French West India Islands, 1758; died before Guadaloupe, 1759. =Bib.=: Campbell, _History of Nova Scotia_; _Selections from the Public Doc.u.ments of Nova Scotia_, ed. by Akins.
=Hornwork.= =WM= A strong defence on left bank of St. Charles River, 207; panic among troops crowding into, 207.
=Hospital Nuns.= =WM= Take refuge in the General Hospital, 115.
=Hosta, Captain d'.= =F= Killed at Laprairie, 312.
=Hotel-Dieu Nuns.= =WM= Take refuge in General Hospital, and render a.s.sistance there, 153; return to their convent, 237.
=Houel, Louis, Sieur du Pet.i.t-Pre.= =Ch= Consulted by Champlain as to obtaining missionaries for Canada, 83; a.s.sisted in forming Company of New France, 168; made director, 170.
=House of a.s.sembly.= =Hd= British government prepared to grant, 174; Haldimand not favourable to, as matters stood, 195. =Dr= Of Lower Canada, agitation for, by English residents, 55, 60; opposition to by seigniors, 55; indifference of _habitants_, 55; Carleton's views on, 56; not provided for in Quebec Act, 64; meeting of, 269. =W= In New Brunswick, early character of, 6.
=Houssart.= =L= Devoted servant of Bishop Laval, 251; details furnished by, 251-253.
=How, Edward.= Member of the Council of Nova Scotia, 1744. Took part in the affair at Mines under Colonel n.o.ble, 1747; severely wounded and taken prisoner, but afterwards exchanged. Confidential agent of the government in dealing with the Indians. Treacherously murdered by Indians, it is said, at the instigation of Le Loutre. =Bib.=: _Selections from the Public Doc.u.ments of Nova Scotia_, ed. by Akins.
=Howard, Joseph.= =Dr= Accused in connection with Walker affair, 36; tried and acquitted, 38.