Part 35 (1/2)
=Heavysege, Charles= (1816-1876). Born in Liverpool, England. Came to Canada, 1853. Settled in Montreal, and engaged in his trade of cabinet-making. Afterwards connected with the staff of the _Witness_.
Author of a number of dramas, the most remarkable of which was _Saul_.
=Bib.=: For his works, _see_ James, _Bibliography of Canadian Poetry_.
For biog., _see_ Burpee, _Charles Heavysege_ (R. S. C., 1901); Rose, _Cyc. Can. Biog._; MacMurchy, _Canadian Literature_.
=Hebert, Anne.= Eldest daughter of Louis Hebert, Quebec; married to Stephen Jonquest in the autumn of 1617, Father Le Caron officiating.
This was the first marriage in New France. =Index=: =Ch= Her marriage, 113; her death, 117.
=Hebert, Guillaume.= =Ch= Son of Louis, 146.
=Hebert, Louis.= Came from Paris to Acadia, 1604; mentioned there in 1610, and again in 1613-1614. Returned to France, and in 1617 came to Quebec, becoming the first permanent settler in New France. Died 1627.
=Index=: =F= First regular settler at Quebec, 16. =Ch= Consents to accompany Champlain to Canada, 111, 112; a valuable member of the colony, 112; signs complaint of the inhabitants, 136; his family, 146; previous life, 147; death of, 148; a native of Paris, 250; receives fief of Sault au Matelot, 251. =Bib.=: Colby, _Canadian Types of the Old Regime_; Douglas, _Old France in the New World_.
=Hebert, Guillemette.= =Ch= Wife of Guillaume Couillard, 146.
=Hebert, Madame.= =Ch= Ma.s.s celebrated in her house on restoration of Quebec, 225.
=Heceta, Bruno.= Commanded Spanish expedition to North-West Coast, 1775.
=Index=: =D= Discovers mouth of Columbia, 14, 15. =Bib.=: Bancroft, _History of the North-West Coast_.
=Helmcken, John Sebastian.= Born in England, 1832. Studied medicine and admitted a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 1848.
Appointed surgeon at Vancouver Island by Hudson's Bay Company; first magistrate appointed in the colony. As magistrate stationed at Fort Rupert, where the miners were very unruly. In 1856 elected for Esquimalt district to the first Legislature of the colony; took a very active part in its deliberations; and became Speaker. Member of Executive Council, 1864-1871. Opposed Confederation in 1870. Sent to Ottawa the same year as one of the delegates to negotiate terms of union. =Index=: =D= Speaker of first Legislature of Vancouver Island, 210. =Bib.=: Morgan, _Can. Men_; Begg, _History of British Columbia_.
=Henderson, Captain.= =Dr= With crews of two war vessels a.s.sists in defence of Quebec, 112.
=Henderson.= =WM= Private of grenadiers, helps to carry Wolfe off the field, 200.
=Hennepin, Louis.= Born in Ath, Belgium, about 1640. Entered order of Recollets. Sailed for Quebec, 1675. Stationed at Fort Frontenac, 1676.
Accompanied La Salle to the West, 1678. From Fort Crevecoeur (Peoria, Ill.), in 1680, descended the Illinois and explored the upper waters of the Mississippi. Captured by the Sioux and carried to their country.
After eight months, rescued by Du Lhut (_q.v._), pa.s.sed the winter at Michilimackinac, and returned to Quebec, 1682. Apparently satisfied with his adventures in the wilderness, returned to Europe, and settled in Holland, where devoted himself to the preparation of a series of narratives of his explorations, real and imaginary. Died there about 1706. =Bib.=: Works: _Description de la Louisiane_, etc.; _Nouvelle Decouverte,_ etc.; _Nouveau Voyage_, etc. For biog., and bibliog.
details of Hennepin's works, _see_ Thwaites's edition of the _New Discovery_, 1903. _See also_ Parkman, _La Salle_.
=Henri.= =Ch= Servant of Madame Hebert, murdered by Montagnais Indian, 164.
=Henrietta of France, Queen of England.= =Ch= Dowry of, 216.
=Henry IV, King of France= (1553-1610). Succeeded Henry III in 1589.
=Index=: =F= of, 11. =Ch=, 64. =Bib.=: Chambers, _Biog. Dict._
=Henry, Alexander, the Elder= (1739-1824). One of the pioneer fur traders in north-western America. Born in New Jersey. Entered the fur trade as a young man, 1760, or perhaps earlier. His _Travels and Adventures_ open in that year and describe his experiences in the West for the following sixteen years. Sailed for Europe in 1776, where he made the acquaintance of Sir Joseph Banks, president of the Royal Society, and had an opportunity of describing his adventures to Marie Antoinette. Afterwards settled in Montreal as a merchant. =Index=: =MS= Leaves Montreal for western fur country, 3. =Bib.=: _Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories_, New York, 1809; new ed., with biog. and other notes, by James Bain, Toronto, 1901. _See also_ Burpee, _Search for the Western Sea_.
=Henry, Alexander, the Younger.= Nephew of preceding. Entered service of North West Company about 1792. His _Journal_, the original ma.n.u.script of which is in the Library of Parliament at Ottawa, and which was published in 1897, with introduction and elaborate notes by Elliott Coues, contains an account of his western travels and experiences, 1799 to 1814. Drowned near Fort George, at the mouth of the Columbia, May 22, 1814. =Bib.=: Works: _New Light on the Early History of the Greater North-West_; _The Ma.n.u.script Journals of Alexander Henry and David Thompson_, ed. by Elliott Coues, New York, 1897. _See also_ Burpee, _Search for the Western Sea_; Bryce, _Hudson's Bay Company_.
=Henry, John.= =Bk= His mission to the New England states, 120; use made of his letters, 120; referred to in message of Madison to Congress, 186, 187; sells his letters to United States government, 187. =Bib.=: _Cyc.
Am. Biog._
=Henry, Patrick= (1736-1799). American statesman. =Index=: =Dr= His rhetorical exaggerations, 197. =Bib.=: _Cyc. Am. Biog._