Part 31 (1/2)

=Gla.s.sion, de.= =Dr= Superior of Jesuits, sends pet.i.tion to the king, through Carleton, 35.

=Glegg, Captain J. B.= Aide-de-camp to General Brock. =Index=: =Bk= Carries summons for surrender of Detroit, 251, 255; carries despatches to Quebec, announcing victory, 259. =Bib.=: Richardson, _War of 1812_, ed. by Ca.s.selman; Lucas, _Canadian War of 1812_.

=Glen, John Sanders.= =F= Magistrate of Schenectady, life spared, 247.

=Glenelg, Charles Grant, Baron= (1778-1866). Born in Kidderpore, India.

Educated at Magdalen College, Cambridge, England, and called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1807. Member of the British House of Commons, 1811-1835. Appointed lord of the treasury, 1813; chief secretary for Ireland and a member of the Privy Council, 1819; vice-president of the Board of Trade and treasurer of the navy, 1823; president of the Board of Control, 1830-1834, and colonial secretary, 1835. Created Baron Glenelg, 1835. Resigned the secretarys.h.i.+p, 1839, and made land tax commissioner. Died in Cannes. =Index=: =W= His incompetence and procrastination, 42; on casual and territorial revenues of New Brunswick, 61-62. =Sy= President of Board of Trade, 16; resigns, 16; unequal to duties of colonial office, 57. =BL= Appointment of Head as governor, 36; Head's letter to, 41. =H= Instructs Sir Colin Campbell to grant a measure of responsible government to Nova Scotia, 44-45; Joseph Howe's letter to, on ocean steams.h.i.+p service, 232. =Mc= Opposes responsible government, 20; on colonial self-government, 73; refers report of the Committee on Grievances to the king, 263; his reply to report, 280; on Executive Councils, 302; schooled by Head, 304; Head disobeys his orders, 307; on non-elective Legislative Council, 324.

=Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._

=Glengarry.= A county in Ontario, on the St. Lawrence. Named after the famous glen in Inverness, Scotland. Many Scottish Highlanders left their native country after the battle of Culloden in 1746, and emigrated to America. They were all intensely loyal, and when the Revolution broke out many moved north into Canada, settling on the Niagara frontier, the bay of Quinte, and the banks of the St. Lawrence. From the latter settlement sprang the present Glengarry County. In 1804-1805 Bishop McDonell obtained several grants of land in the district for the Highlanders of the disbanded Scottish Glengarry Regiment, and for twenty-five years promoted the interests of the colonists. He raised, in 1812, the Glengarry Fencibles Regiment, which rendered valuable service during the war. =Bib.=: Macdonell, _Sketches Ill.u.s.trating the Early Settlement and History of Glengarry in Canada_.

=Glengarry Fencibles.= =Bk= Canadian Highland corps, 180.

=Glenie, James.= =W= Member for Sunbury, in New Brunswick a.s.sembly, 1792-1809, 13; a pioneer reformer, 13.

=Globe.= Newspaper published at Toronto; established, 1844. =Index=: =B= Advocates responsible government, ix; its establishment, 9, 10; on elections in Upper Canada in 1844, 25; criticism of Draper, 27; on Toryism, 32; supports Elgin's att.i.tude towards the Rebellion Losses Bill, 36; attacks the Clear Grits, 40, 41; upholds British system of responsible government, as superior to the American system, 42; gives credit to French-Canadians for supporting Reform cause, 43; att.i.tude towards Roman Catholic questions, 44-46, 48; advocates secularization of Clergy Reserves, 55; on free schools, 62; first issued as a daily, Oct.

1, 1853; its earlier history, absorbs _North American_ and _Examiner_, 1855, 74; its policy, 75; on the Quebec _Rouges_, 78-79; contains appeal on behalf of fugitive slaves, 112; and the ”no popery” agitation, 121, 123; advocates uniform legislation for Upper and Lower Canada, 130; a.s.sails Separate School Bill, 145; Brown's pride in, 150, 247; effect of Brown's position in Macdonald ministry, 209; contains R. B. Sullivan's address on North-West Territories, 211; Brown's article on North-West, 1852, 213; letters of ”Huron” on North-West, 215-216; advocates union of North-West with Canada, 217, 218; attacks Canada First party, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241; Peter Brown writes for, 243; edited by Gordon Brown, 244, 245; reveals George Brown's views, 248, 249; its support of Wilson, 250; attacks Mr. Justice Wilson, 250, 252, 253; the office of publication, 255; shooting of George Brown, 255-258. =E= Hostile at first to Clear Grits, 111; edited by George Brown, 111. =BL= Established by George Brown, Mar. 5, 1844, 223-224; its fighting policy, 224; attacks Metcalfe, 225; denounces the Grits, 342; outcry against Roman Catholicism, 343. =Mc= Justifies the Rebellion of 1837, 13; on Mackenzie's expulsions, 254; on Mackenzie's retirement from public life, 498; Mackenzie's obituary, 511; on Mackenzie's personality, 523. =Md= Founded by George Brown with his father, 52; on the Redistribution Bill, 275; on the elections of 1887, 282-283; supports commercial union, 295.

=Bib.=: Wallis, _Historical Sketch of Canadian Journalism_ in _Canada: An Ency._, vol. 5; Buckingham, _George Brown and the Globe_ in _Canada: An Ency._, vol. 5; Mackenzie, _Hon. George Brown_.

=G.o.dard, Charles.= =S= Agent for government of Upper Canada, 178.

=G.o.ddard, John.= =T= Elected for St. John, New Brunswick, 25., Nicolas.= =L= Land bought from, for church at Montreal, 88.

=G.o.defroy, Jean-Paul.= =Ch= Interpreter, 144.

=G.o.defroy, Thomas.= =Ch= Interpreter, 144.

=G.o.derich, Viscount.= _See_ Ripon.

=G.o.derich.= Town in Ontario, situated at mouth of River Maitland, Huron County, Ontario. Founded by John Galt and Wm. Dunlop about 1827. =Bib.=: Lizars, _Days of the Canada Company_.

=Gomara, Lopez de.= =Ch= Suggests a ca.n.a.l through Isthmus of Panama, 14.

=Gondoin, Nicolas.= =Ch= Jesuit missionary at Miscou, 234.

=Gordon, Brigadier-General.= =Dr= Murder of, 152.

=Gordon, Arthur Hamilton.= _See_ Stanmore.

=Gordon, Robert.= =T= Member for Gloucester in New Brunswick a.s.sembly, votes against Liberals, 18.

=Gore, Sir Charles S.= Born in Scotland, 1793; the third son of the second Earl of Arran. Entered the army, 1808; served throughout the Peninsular War; ordered to Canada, 1814; returned to Europe and present at the battle of Waterloo, 1815. Again came to Canada; in command of the troops in Lower Canada during the Rebellion of 1837-1838; subsequently knighted and advanced to the rank of lieutenant-general. =Index=: =C= At St. Denis, 7. =P= In command of troops in Rebellion of 1837 in Lower Canada, 128-129; marches on St. Denis, 130; second expedition against St. Denis, 134. =Bib.=: Morgan, _Cel. Can._; Christie, _History of Lower Canada_.

=Gore, Sir Francis= (1769-1852). Served in the army; lieutenant-governor of Bermuda, 1804; lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, 1806-1817.

=Index=: =Bk= Lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, 8, 78; his civil and military service, 78; arms supplied to, 97; arrives at Quebec from the west, 132; Brock's high opinion of, 143; goes to England on leave, 159.

=E= Postpones secularization of Clergy Reserves by proroguing Legislature, 146. =Bib.=: Read, _Lieutenant-Governors of Upper Canada_; Kingsford, _History of Canada_.

=Gore District.= In Upper Canada; named after Governor Gore. =Index=: =Sy= Resolutions in favour of responsible government adopted at meeting of inhabitants, 125, 126.

=Gorham, John.= A native of Ma.s.sachusetts. Stationed at Annapolis in command of a body of provincial troops, 1845; sent to Boston to procure aid against a threatened attack; induced to proceed to the siege of Louisbourg under Pepperrell; appointed colonel. Returned to Annapolis and placed in command of the Boston troops sent to Mines with Colonel n.o.ble. Afterwards commanded a body of Rangers raised in New England for service in Acadia. A member of the Council of Nova Scotia. Returned to Ma.s.sachusetts, 1752. =Bib.=: _Selections from the Public Doc.u.ments of Nova Scotia_, ed. by Akins; Marshall, _Life of Pepperell_.