Part 30 (1/2)
=Gaudais-Dupont, Louis.= =L= Comes out as royal commissioner to take over Canada from Company of New France, 41.
=Gaufestre, Jean.= =Ch= Recollet, returns to France, 209.
=Gavazzi Riots.= =E= Father Gavazzi's lectures, 124; cause riots in Quebec and Montreal, 124-125; Clear Grits attack Hincks and the government for failure to suppress riots, 125. =Bib.=: Gavazzi, _Lectures and Life_; Dent, _Last Forty Years_; Hincks, _Reminiscences_.
=Gazette (Halifax).= Established 1752. First newspaper published in what is now the Dominion of Canada. =Bib.=: Wallis, _Hist. Sketch of Can.
Journalism_ in _Canada: An Ency._, vol. 5.
=Gazette (Montreal).= Established 1778. =Index=: =C= Denounces ministerial responsibility, 97. =Hd= Establishment of, 276. =BL= Denounces La Fontaine-Baldwin government, 140. =Bk= Editor of, arrested by order of the Legislative a.s.sembly, 93. =Mc= Mackenzie's obituary in, 514. =Bib.=: Wallis, _Hist. Sketch of Can. Journalism_ in _Canada: An Ency._, vol. 5.
=Gazette (Quebec).= Established 1764. =Index=: =Hd= First newspaper printed in Quebec, 190; its news columns censored, 191; publishes letters contained in an intercepted rebel mail, 225; advertis.e.m.e.nts in, 231-242; articles on moral themes, 246. =Sy= Its opposition to union of the provinces, 194, 211, 212. =Bk= Falls under displeasure of Legislative a.s.sembly, 93. =Bib.=: Wallis, _Hist. Sketch of Can.
Journalism_ in _Canada: An Ency._, vol. 5.
=Gazette (Toronto).= =Mc= Mackenzie's newspaper, first published May 12, 1838, 433; last issue, 461. =Bib.=: Dent, _Upper Canadian Rebellion_.
=General Election=, 1841. =Sy= Rioting in connection with, 290, 291; result of, 291.
=Genest, Edmond Charles= (1765-1834). =Dr= Minister of France to the United States, 272; his intrigues in Canada, 273, 274. =Bib.=: _Cyc. Am.
=Genevay, Jean Francois Louis.= =Hd= French secretary to Haldimand, 305; receives bequest from Haldimand, 342; his tomb, 346.
=Geological Survey.= First suggested by Dr. Rae, in 1832. W. E.
(afterwards _Sir_) Logan was appointed provincial geologist, 1842, and, the government having decided to carry out a geological survey of the province, he took charge of the work the following year. The establishment of the survey was largely the result of pet.i.tions presented by the Natural History Society of Montreal, and the Quebec Literary and Historical Society. The first report was for the year 1843.
Twenty years later, the reports 1843-1863 were summarized in a volume of 983 pages, _Geology of Canada_. The periods 1863-1866 and 1866-1869 were each covered in a single report. Thereafter, annual volumes were published. Two general indexes have been issued, one for the reports 1863-1884, and the second for 1885-1906.
=George IV= (1762-1830). King of England, son of George III and the Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. In 1795 married the Princess Caroline of Brunswick. In 1811 regent, and in 1820 succeeded George III.
=Index=: =W= Grants charter to King's College, Fredericton, 49. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._
=George, Sir Rupert D.= =H= Provincial secretary of Nova Scotia, 57; dismissed from office, 111; challenges Joseph Howe to a duel, 244.
=Bib.=: Campbell, _History of Nova Scotia_.
=Georgian Bay.= An arm of Lake Huron. Discovered by Joseph Le Caron, a Franciscan, 1615. Champlain reached the of the bay the same year.
=Index=: =Ch= Champlain crosses, 88.
=Germain, Charles.= Appointed missionary to the Abnaki Indians on the St. John River, 1845. Authorized agent of the government at Quebec for the purpose of destroying British supremacy in Acadia. a.s.sisted De Ramezay in his plans for the attack on Mines, 1747. Removed to Miramichi, 1757. After the fall of Quebec, took up the cause of the British. Received a pension of 50 a year from the government at Halifax, 1761. Retired to Quebec, taking with him a number of Indian families. Died, 1779. =Bib.=: _Selections from the Public Doc.u.ments of Nova Scotia_, ed. by Akins.
=Germain, Lord George.= _See_ Sackville.
=German and Swiss Colonists.= =Hd= In America, scheme to enroll, 9.
=German Troops.= =Hd= Commanded by Riedesel, 114; not adapted to work required of them, 126, 136; reorganization of, 141; Haldimand not satisfied with, 141; some settle near Cataraqui, 265; leave Canada, 293, 296.
=Germans and Dutch.= =Dr= Large admixture of, among United Empire Loyalists, 240.
=Gerris, Sarah.= =F= Captured at Fort Loyal, exchanged for one of Phipps's prisoners, 303.
=Gerry, Elbridge= (1744-1814). American statesman. =Index=: =Bk= Governor of Ma.s.sachusetts, 172. =Bib.=: _Cyc. Am. Biog._
=Gerrymander.= _See_ Redistribution Bill.