Part 62 (1/2)

”Military action is iround of death and life, the path of survival and destruction, so it is imperative to examine it” p 41

”Speed is the most important in war,” Epaminondas of Thebes

Battle of Leuctra, 371 BCE

Helmuth von Moltke (1800-1891) Geschichte des deutsch-franzsischen Krieges von 1870-1871 The Franco-German War of 1870-1871 Trans Clara Bell and Henry W Fischer New York: H Fertig, 1988 Reprint of the version published in New York by Harper in 1892

Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831)Voe Michael Howard and Peter Paret, Editors On War Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976

Theodor Heuss (1884-1963) Theodor Heuss ber Staat und Kirche

Frankfurt/Main: P Lang, 1986

C W Groetsch Tartaglia's Inverse Problem in a Resistive Medium, in The American Mathematical Monthly, 103:7, 1996, pp


Roland Barthes Leon, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1978

The book is based on the lecture delivered at the inauguration of the Chair of Literary See de France on January 7, 1977

”But Language-the perforressive; it is quite simply fascist, for fascism does not prevent speech, it co (1913-1954) British ra worked at the British Foreign Office, helping crack the German secret military code

William Aspray and Arthur Burks, Editors Papers of John von Neue MA: MIT Press; Los Angeles: Toe Institute Reprint Series for the History of Co, Vol 12

John Condry, TV: Live from the Battlefield, in IEEE Spectruery and how it effectively replaces the written word, the following exa Arizona talked to his daughter in Tel Aviv while si the news on the Cable News Network (CNN) The reporter stated that a Scud missile had been launched at Tel Aviv, and the father inforht protection in a shelter ”This is what television has becooThe world is becoe, as educator Marshall McLuhan predicted it would

I Language Proficiency, in Military Intelligence, 21, 1995, p 12

Charles M Herzfeld Infory: A Retro- and Pro-spective Lecture presented at the Battelle Inforust 1995 Published in Proceedings of the DTIC/Battelle Infor, In the Field: the Language of the Vietnaic defense initiative (SDI) was focused upon developing anti-ray approach to ballistic missile defense (BMD) meant to intercept offensive nuclear weapons after they had been launched by aggressors The systeet acquisition (search and detection of an offensive object); tracking (determination of the trajectory of the offensive object); discri of missiles and warheads fro to ensure destruction of the offensive object) The critical coned to focus a bea it to the point of structural failure

The Pentagon Critical Technologies Plan, March, 1990

Restructuring the US Military, a report by a joint task force of the Coet Project Obviously, the post-Cold War uical, defense The new circuies for conversion of industries that until recently depended entirely upon the needs and desires of the military

The Interactive Future: Individual, Coan Falling Apart: The Rise and Decline of Urban Civilisation London: Souvenir Press, 1976

David Clark Urban Decline London/New York: Routledge, 1989

Katharine L Bradbury Urban Decline and the Future of As Institution, 1982

Hegel's theory of state derives from his philosophy of history

Civil society affords individuals opportunities for freedoly has priority over the individual; cf Philosophy of Right, TB