Part 61 (1/2)
Patrick Dillon Multiy from A-Z New York: Oryx Press, 1995
Politics: There Was Never So Much Beginning
Friedrich Hlderlin (1770-1843) So viel Anfang war noch nie, in Poelish and German Selected verses edited, introduced, and translated by Michael Haer London/Dover NH: Anvil Press Poetry, 1986
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) Brave, New World New York: Modern Library, 1946, 1956
Tho other things, the phonograph and the incandescent bulb
Alexander Graharaphophone
He is credited with inventing the telephone and took out the patent on it
Otto Nicklaus Otto (1832-1891) Inventor of the four-stroke engine applied in the automotive industry
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Inventor of the electric alternator
Lev Nikolaievich Tolstoy (1828-1910) War and Peace Trans
Louise and Aylmer Maude New York: Oxford University Press, 1965 This is a translation of Voina i Mir, published in Moscow at the Tipografia T Ros, 1868
The Declaration of Independence was approved by a group delegates from the American colonies in July, 1776, with the expressed ailand
Signed at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, after much dispute over representation, the Constitution of the United States of America entered into effect once all thirteen states ratified it Its nificance derives from its ascertainment of an effective alternative to monarchy The system of checks and balances contained in the Constitution isabsolute authority
The Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen was approved by the French National asseht of individuals to be represented, equality aion, speech, and the press The ideals of the French Revolution inspired many other political movements on the continent
Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in a year of ainst conservative monarchies, the Coram of a revolutionarythe way to a classless society The Romantic impetus of the Manifesto and its new messianic tone was of a different tenor froram in Russia and later on Eastern Europe, China, and Korea
Marriedwith Children: A situation coarity, presenting a couple, Al and Peggy Bundy, and their teenage children, Kelly and Bud, in life-like situations at the fringes of the consumer society
Born in 1918, Alexander Solzhenitsyn became known as a writer in the context of the post-Stalin era His books, A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch (1962), The Gulag Archipelago (1973-1975), The Oak and the Calf (1980), testify to the many aspects of Stalin's dictatorshi+p In 1974, after publishi+ng Gulag Archipelago (about life in Soviet prison camps), the writer was exiled froeni Alexandrovich Yevtushenko: A rhetorical poet in the tradition of Mayakovsky's poetry for the ime, he took it upon himself to celebrate the official party line, as well as to poeticallly unveil less savory events and abusive practices His poetry is still the best way to know the poet and the passionate hu See also Yevtushenko's Reader Trans Robin Milner-Gulland New York: EP Dutton, 1972
Di time the official composer of the Soviet Union After his death, it became clear how deeply critical he was of a reality he see the harmonic system of classical Russian music See also Gunter Wolter Didie
Frankfurt/Main, New York: P Lang, 1991
There is no good definition of Sa movement of the former Soviet Block and China Nevertheless, the power of the printed word-often priinal editions-remains exemplary testimony to the many forces at work in societies where authoritarian rules are applied to the benefit of the political power in place Froe nu titles can be referenced:
Salish edition) Munich: Samizdat Archive association Froe Samizdat and Political Dissent in the Soviet Union Leyden: AW Sijthoff, 1975
Claude Widor The Samizdat Press in China's Provinces, 1979-1981 Stanford CA: Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1987
Nicolae Ceausescu (1918-1989) His life can be summed up in John Sweeney's statement: ”In Ceausescu's Romania, madness was enthroned, sanity a disease” cf The Life and Evil Times of Nicolae Ceausescu, London: Hutchinson, 1991, p 105
Berlin Wall Erected in August, 1961, the wall divided East and West Berlin Over the years, it became the symbol of political oppression Hundreds of people were killed in their attempt to escape to freedom The political events in East Europe of Fall, 1989 led to destruction of the wall, a symbolic step in the not so easy process of Ger 13 August 1961: die Mauer von Berlin (Hrsg von I
Spittman) Kln: Edition Deutschland Archiv, 1981