Part 60 (1/2)

At the other end of the spectru note from Louis Hennepin (1684): ”We told theh written docues asked, 'Before you cahtly know that ere here?' We were obliged to say no 'Then you didn't know all things through books, and they didn't tell you everything'”

A Grafton, A Shelford, and N Siraisi,The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery, Cae: Harvard University Press, 1992

In comparison to Carlyle's criticise coe or Post-Industrial Age:

”In the industrial age, when people need to achieve soh a series of motions, read manuals, or become experts at the task? Not at all; they flip a switch It isn't necessary to know a single thing about lighting; all one needs to do is flip a switch to turn the light on [] To take care of a number of tasks, you push a button, flip a switch, turn a dial That is the age of industry working at its best, so that you don't have to becoineer or physicist to function effectively

”To get the inforo on-line or open athrough a series of activities in order to get the precise infore of informationyou will be able to turn on a computer, come up with the specific question, and it will do the work for you” (cf Address by Jeff Davidson, Executive Director of the Breathing space Institute of Chapel Hill, before the National Institute of Health, Dec 8, 1995; reprinted in Vital Speeches, Vol 62, 06-01-1996, pp 495, and in the Electric LibraryT)

George Steiner The End of Bookishness? (edited transcript of a talk given to the International Publishers' association Congress in London, on June 14, 1988) in Times Literary Supplement, 89-14, 1988, p 754

Aldus Manutius, the Elder (born Aldo Manuzio, 1449-1515): Known for his activity in printing, publishi+ng, and typography, especially for design and manufacture of small pocket-sized books printed in inexpensive editions The fa in 1597 with Aldus Manutius, the Younger) and is associated with the culture of books and with high quality typography

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 An abridged version appeared in Galaxy Science Fiction (1950) under the title The Fireman

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Mein Kahton Mifflin, 1971

Mao (1893-1976) Co on i: Foreign Language Press, 1958

Umberto Eco The Nao: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1983 Originally published in Italy as Il nome della rosa Milano: Fabbri-Bompiani, 1980

Topos uranikos, in Plato's philosophy is the heavenly place fro is true Vilm Flusser wrote that, ”The library (transhuman memory) is presented as a space (topos uranikos)” cf On Memory (Electronic or Otherwise), in Leonardo, 23-4, 1990, p 398

Great libraries take shape, under Libraries, in Compton's Encyclopedia (Compton's New Media), January 1, 1994

Noah Webster (1758-1843) wrote The Coe, in 2 volumes, in 1828 He was probably inspired by Salish Language in 1755

Larousse de la Gramswrterbuch: 24,000 Wrter en (bearbeitet von Paul Grebe, Rudolf Koster, Wolfgang Mller, et al) Zehn Bnden Mannheiraphisches Institut 1980

Vannevar Bush As We May Think, in The Atlantic Monthly, A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics vol CLXXVI, July-Dec, 1945

The blurb introducing the article states: ”As Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, Dr VANNEVAR BUSH has coordinated the activities of so American scientists in the application of science to warfare In this significant article, he holds up an incentive for scientists when the fighting has ceased He urges that men of science should then turn to thestore of knowledge,” (p 101) In many ways, this article matics to one of many new for the Printed Word: A Co 80 (SH Lavington, Editor)

A Cona dei siti piu' utilizzati, and Bibliotechi virtuali, in Internet e la Biblioteca, bsunicattit/bibliotecavirtualehtml, 1996

The Infonautics Corporation maintains the Electric LibraryT on the World Wide Web

The Sense of Design

The ter ”fron,”

”concerning the sign,” ”according to the sign,” ”through the s point to the sen as ”a visible des which ination and which the practised hand can reed that before Balducinni's atten was drawing More recently, though, design is understood in a broad sense, froes, products) to the conception of events (design of exhibitions, progras)

”Nearly every object we use, s we eat have been designed,” wrote Adrian Forty in Objects of Desire Design and Society since 1750 (London: Thames and Hudson, 1986; paperback edition, New York: Thaeneric naeometric tendency of architecture in the second quarter of the 20th century In 1923, Henri-Russel Hitchcock and Philip Johnson organized the show entitled International Style-Architecture Since 1922, at the Museu the best known architects who eram are Gerrit T Rietveldt, Adolf Loos, Peter Behrens, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, and Eero Saalinen