Part 58 (1/2)

Bas C van Fraasen The Scientific Ie Oxford: Clarendon Press,1980

Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene New York: Oxford University Press, 1976

- The Extended Phenotype New York: Oxford University Press, 1982

Elan Moritz, of the Institute for Meround to the subject in Introduction to Mey: The New Synthesis Cae: Belknap/Harvard University Press, 1975

Mihai Nadin Mind-Anticipation and Chaos (froart/Zurich: Belser Presse, 1991

- The Art and Science of Multi (P

Laplante & A Stoyenko, Editors) Piscataway NJ: IEEE Press, January, 1996

- Negotiating the World of Make-Believe: The Aesthetic Co London: Academic Press, 1995

”Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it,” Karl Marx (cf Theses on Feuerbach (fro Marx on Philosophy and Society, Garden City NY: Anchor Books, 1967, p 402

Paul K Feyerabend Against Method Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge London: Verson Edition,1978

- Three Dialogues on Knowledge Oxford, England/Cae MA: Blackwell,1991

Imre Lakatos Philosophical Papers, in two volue, England/New York: Cae University Press, 1978

- Proofs and Refutations The Logic of Mathematical Discovery (John Worrall and Elie Zahar, Editors) Cae University Press, 1976

Multivalued logic: expands beyond the truth and falsehood of sentences, handling the uous

Charles S Peirce ascertained that all necessary reasoning isis diagra based on a diagrararans”) affects the nature of the operations perforic: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Notation, in The American Journal of Mathematics, 7:180-202, 1885)

Brockman, John The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution (A collection of essays with Introduction written by John Brockman) New York: Simon & Schuster 1995

Here are some quotations from the contributors: Brock in public discourse, with scientists supplanting philosophers, artists, and people of letters as the ones who render ”visible the deeperwho and e are”

”We're at the stage where things change on the order of decades, and it seeuste Coly embodied, attracted the attention of John Stuart Mill, rote The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Compte (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1871) Sos are reproduced in The Crisis of Industrial Civilization (Ronald Fletcher, Editor, London: Heinei Introduzione al il Positivisuste Compte: Qui tes-vous? Lyons: La Manufacture, 1988

Emil Durkheim De la division du travail social 9e ed Paris: Presses univrsitaires de France, 1973 (Translated as The Division of Labor in Society by WD Halls, New York: Free Press, 1984

Durkheim applied Darwin's natural selection to labor division

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903): very well known for his essay, Progress: Its Laws and Cause (1857), attempted to conceive a theory of society based on naturalist principles What he defined as the ”super- organic,” which stands for social, is subjected to evolution In his view, societies undergo, cycles of birth- climax-death Productive power varies froy, 1876-1896)

Art(ifacts) and Aesthetic Processes

Art Speigelman Maus A Survivor's Tale New York: Pantheon Books, 1986; and Maus II: A Survivor's Tale-And Here My Troubles Began New York Pantheon Books, 1991