Part 57 (1/2)
He discusses the conditions of existence for which we are not adjusted in ber den Frieden, Weltordnung und Weltuntergang (O
Norden and H Norden, Editors), Bern 1975, p 494
In a letter to Jacques Hadae, as they are written or spoken, do not seeht The physical entities which seens and es which can be 'voluntarily'
reproduced or combined” cf A Testiy of Invention in the Mathematical Field, edited by J Hadamard, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1945, p 142
Raye: MIT Press, 1990
”Rather than defining intelligence in terht define it in ter in the pursuit of a goal” (p 17)
Alan Bundy, The Co New York: Academic Press, 1983
Allan Raence
Cae University Press, 1991
M Reinfrank, Editor Non-Monotonic Reasoning: Second International Workshop Berlin/New York: Springer Verlag, 1989
titus Lucretius Carus De rerum natura (edited with translation and coland: Aris & Phillips,1986
- The Nature of Things Trans Frank O Copley 1st ed New York: Norton, 1977
Epicurus, called by Timon ”the last of the natural philosophers,” was translated by Lucretius into Latin His Letter to Herodotus and Master Sayings (Kyriai doxai) were integrated in De reruood reference book is Clay Diskin's Lucretius and Epicurus, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983
Galileo Galilei Discorsi e di Centers of Gravity and Force of Percussion, translated, with a new introduction and notes, by Stillman Drake) Toronto: Wall & Thompson, 1989
- Galileo's Early Notebooks The Physical Questions (translated froraphical commentary, by William A Wallace) Notre Da out as a dictionnaire raisonn of the sciences, the arts, and crafts, the Encyclopdie became a major form of philosophic expression in the 18th century Philosophers dedicated theht, and to the social prograhtenht in all branches of intellectual activity The ematic condition of time, tolerance, innovation, and freedos and eraed sources of this orientation is Ephraim Chamber's Cyclopedia (or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences), London, 1728
The exaeology of pragh, over, above, and beyond the observer's actions suggested power The sequence of day and night, of seasons, of the changing weather is a mixture of repetitive patterns and unexpected occurrences, even meteorites, some related to wind, fire, water Once the shortest and the longest days are observed, and the length of day equal to that of night (the equinox), the sky beco cycles of work
Furtherical explanation of what happens follows the association of mythical characters, mainly to stars Saturn, or Chronos, was the God of time, a star known for its steady yptians as Aest
Details of this geology of na could lead to a book Here are soical: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto; Zodiacal: Geittarius, Scorpio, etc
space: limitless, 3-dimensional, in which objects exist, events occur, movement takes place Objects have relative positions and their eometric notion of space expands beyond 3-dim: Since the time Thomas Kuhn published The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), the concept of paradig thesis is that science operates in a research space dom does not make it ence in the unifying fraos: ancient Greek for word, was many times defined, aleneralization, logos becaht or reason, and thus a way to control the word through speech (legein) In this last sense, logos was adapted by Christianity as the Word of Divinity
For a description of holism, see Holis, 1990)
Techn: fro of artifacts” (art objects included)
Francis Bacon (1561-1626): States the empiric methods for scientific research Intent on analytical tools, he set out methods of induction which proved to be effective in the distinction between scientific and philosophical research In The Advanceanum (1620), Bacon set forth principles that affected the development of modern science
Ren Descartes (1596-1650): Probably one of the most influential philosophers and scientists, whose contribution, at a tie and definition, marked Western civilization in many ways