Part 52 (1/2)

I yourself in an artificial world and actively exploring it, rather than peering at it froh a flat screen in a movie theater, on a television set, or on a coine that you are the creator as well as the consuesture or a word to remold the world you see and hear and feel” (p 16)

In an Internet intervieith Rheingold, Sherry Turkel points out that computers and networks are objects- to-think-with for a networked era She predicts, ”I believe that against all odds and againstto see a rebirth of psychoanalytic thinking” (cf Brainstore, and Market

Reference is ement and the New Science); Michael Rothschild (Bionomics); Bernardo Huberent Organizations); Robert Axtel and Joshua Epstein (creators of Sugarscape, a ent Systems), all published as Webtexts

Transactions as extensions of huy evince the complex nature of human interactions Maturana and Varela indirectly refer to human transactions: ”Coherence and harmony in relations and interactions between the members of a human social systerowth in it, in an ongoing social learning which their own social (linguistic) operation defines and which is possible thanks to the genetic and ontogenetic processes that permit structural plasticity of the ram the shi+ft froanisms) to maximum autonomy of components (characteristic of huh Wall Street, in US News and World Report, Nov 16, 1987, pp 64-65 One fro many reminiscences by Martin Mayer, author of Madison Avenue, Wall Street, Men and Money

”Wall Street as price setter for the country dealt with much more than pieces of paper Commodities markets proliferated The fish market was on the East River at Fulton; the meat market on the Hudson just to the north The 'physicals' of all commodities markets were presentthere were cotton sacks in the warehouse of the Cotton Exchange, coffee bags stored here for delivery against the contracts at the Sugar and Coffee Exchange on Hanover Square and often a s coffee

”In the 1950's, this was a male world-woe, let alone becoreat sincerity that there was no ladies room”

The report points out that today Wall Street ”sees less of the real world outside, depends h data machinery and more than ever responds to forces far from its borders”

Zoon ser (also known as Felix Hausdorf)

Charles S Peirce gave the following definitions: Representan is a Representanition of a mind (2242) Object: the Mediate object is the object outside the Sign; the sign must indicate it by a hint (Letter to Lady Welby, Decen would produce upon any mind (Letter to Lady Welby, March 14, 1909)

In reference to the symbolic nature of market transactions, another Peircean definition is useful: ”Sy by developns If aconcepts” (2307)

The pragn process Markets erad and Flores state bluntly ”A business (like any other organization) is constituted as a network of recurrent conversations” (Op cit, p 168)

Alfred D Chandler, Jr (with the assistance of Takashi+ Hikino) Scale and Scope The Dynaland: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1990

”the modern industrial Enterprisehas more than a production function” (p 14) Chandler further notes that ”expanded output by a change in capital-labor ratios is brought about by economies of scale which incorporate economies of speed Wholesalers and retailers expand to exploit economies of scale” (p 21)

Jains of Modern Contract Doctrine New York: Oxford University Press, 1991

Mariadele Manca Masciadri I Contratti di Baliatico, 2 vols

Milan: (sn), 1984

John H Pryor Business Contracts of Medieval Provence Selected Notulae from the Cartulary of Girard Amalric of Marseilles, 1248 Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1981

ECU: In 1979, the process of European unification led to the creation of the European Monetary Syste the European Currency Unit (ECU) and the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) As a basket of European currencies, the ECU serves as a reserve currency in Europe and probably beyond It is not the currency of choice for international transactions, and as of the Maastricht negotiations, which affirmed the need for a Community currency, the ECU was not adopted for this purpose

Although predoiven to the Gerned on the assumption that it is quite improbable that a certain currency will ainst all others Therefore, exchange rates are statistically stabilized

Michael Rothschild Bionomics: Economy as Ecosystem Webtext, 1990

Robert L Heilbroner The Demand for the Supply Side, in The New York Review of Books, June 11, 1981, p40

He asks rhetorically: ”How else should one identify a force that debases language, drains thought, and undoes dignity? If the barrage of advertising, unchanged in its tone and texture, were devoted to some other purpose-say the exaltation of the public sector-it would be recognized in a moment for the corrosive element that it is But as the voice of the private sector it escapes this startled notice I mention it only to point out that a deep source of s, not fro institutions”

Literacy and Education

Will Seys of Educational Reforinally printed in 1900)