Part 51 (1/2)
Rayique du social (translated by David and Gillian Silverical analysis, London/Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981), gives the subject a sociological perspective
Cornel Popa, in Praxiologie si Logica (Praxiology and Logic, Bucharest: Editura Academiei, 1984) deals with social action
Authors such as D Lewis, A Salomaa, BF Chelas, RC Jeffrey, and Jaako Hintikka, whose contributions were reunited in a voluer, pay attention to semantic aspects and conditional values in ical Theory and Semantic analysis, edited by Soren Stenlund, Dordrecht/Boston: Reidel, 1974)
The terinates in hu land, breeding and rearing ani thea way of life In the late 18th century, Herder used the plural cultures to distinguish as to become civilization In 1883, Dilthey made the distinction between cultural sciences (Geisteswissenschaften, addressing the mind) and natural sciences The objects of cultural sciences are(Verstehen) For ence and use of the term culture, see AL Kroeber and C Kluckholm, Culture: a Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions, in Peabody Museum Papers, XLVII, Harvard University Press, 1952
Raested aideas, an alphabet (or repertory) and a calculus for generating all possible judgna (The Great Art), his work attracted both ironic remarks and enthusiastic followers
Athanasius Kircher, in Polygraphia nova et universalis ex coraphy discovered from the arts of combination, Roic
George Delgarus, in Ars signoruuage of signs
John Wilkins dealt with it as a secret language (1641, Mercury, or the Secret and Swift Messenger, and 1668, An Essay Towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language)
Lotfi Zadeh introduced fuzzy logic: a logic of vague though quantified relations a entities and of non- clear-cut definitions (What is young? tall? bold? good?)
Felix Hausdorf/Paul Mongr Sant 'Ilario Gedanken aus der Landschaft Zarathustras 1897 p 7
WB Gallie (Peirce's Praguin Books, 1952) noticed that Peirce, ”in the Pragueness from a number of different sides He clairounded and in practice indubitable beliefs are essentially vague” (cf Peirce, 5446) According to Peirce, vagueness is a question of representation, not a peculiarity of the object of the representation He goes on to specify that the source of vagueness is the relation between the sign and the interpretant (”Indefiniteness in depth ueness,” cf MSS 283, 141, 138-9) Additional coory of Synechism, in The Monist, Special Issue: The Relevance of Charles Peirce, 63:3, July, 1980, pp 351-363
Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene New York: Oxford University Press, 1976
- The Extended Phenotype New York: Oxford University Press, 1982
Elan Moritz, of the Institute for Meround to the subject in Introduction to Mey: The New Synthesis Cae: Belknap/Harvard University Press, 1975
Mihai Nadin Mind-Anticipation and Chaos (froart/Zurich: Belser Presse 1991
”Minds exist only in relation to other minds” p 4 The book was based on a lecture delivered in January,1989 at Ohio State University
Language as Mediating Mechanism
Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene New York: Oxford University Press, 1976
- The Extended Phenotype New York: Oxford University Press, 1982
Elan Moritz, of the Institute for Meround to the subject in Introduction to Mey: The New Synthesis Cae: Belknap/Harvard University Press, 1975
Mediation: a powerful philosophic notion reflecting interest in thedifferent from ant to know, understand, do, or act upon intercedes between the object of our interest, action, or thought