150 Waves (1/2)


After Victor announced the winner of the match, the class was still reeling where they stood.

Zelor, the young master of a prestegious family, was beaten to the point of begging. One can't imagine just how muchstain this will leave on the reputation of the Mort Family.

Aside from being astonished, they were also slightly worried about the implications of this result. They knew Zelor for a long time now, he's incredibly vengeful and petty, they have no doubts that he will try to come for Raven and/or his family, specially now that Raven just deeply offended the Mort Family.

”Cedric.” Victor called using a mark on his wrist. Instantly, a shadow came running towards him and kneeled as soon as it arrived.

”You called Master?”

”Take Zelor to the medics and have then nurse him back to health. When he wakes up, take him back to his family and give them my letter. Tell them that Zelor's formally expelled from the Genius Class and never to return. If they want details then tell them to read my letter. You are not to leave his side until then, make sure that he won't be harmed while he's under your protection.”

”As you wish, Master.” The man named Cedric then went towards Zelor's fainted body and carried him away.

The class watched as Cedric disappeared, leaving behind a silence that's somewhat uncomfortable.

”Let's huddle up everyone, take a seat somewhere.” Victor smiled and changed the atmosphere of the class.

The students followed his instructions and huddled together, previously there were sixteen of them here but now there's one person less.

”I have to say...” Victor looked at them one by one before continuing, ”What a strange day, right? I for one thought that there will be no expulsions today but it seems that I was wrong.” Upon saying this, his gaze inevitably landed towards Raven, who was only smiling which made it hard for others to imagine what his thoughts are.

”So, did any of you had an idea of what was the method I hand in mind to help you reach the 100% conversion?”

The class was silent for a bit, majority of them them was pressed hard into thinking, they recalled the battle earlier to find more clues but they can't find the answers.

”Don't think too much people...” Wilbert's voice caught the attention of the whole class. ”It's not that complicated, it's Energy Control.”

The clueless students looked at Wilbert in confusion. Scenes of the earlier game flashed through their minds but they're having a hard time convincing themselves to believe him.

”Precisely.” Victor's clear voice confirmed it, making the rest of the students look towards him.

”Surface Walking, Energy Vision, Energy Sense, Energy Cloaking, Voice Transmission, these are the tricks that everybody learns as early as they start cultivation. People might think that these are just mere parlor tricks but your classmates right here just gave you guys a rude awakening.”

The class can't help but to look at Raven and the rest of his friends, they knew Victor was referring to them when he said those words.

”The only reason why 100% Energy Essence Conversion seems impossible, is because you were told that it is very hard to control and manipulate them. Well? What if you get better at controlling your energies then? Wouldn't that fix the problem?”

Victor's rhetorical question left most of the students gobsmacked, it was a little hard to believe that the answer they were looking about was this simple.

”Now you might be thinking that since the answer was so simple, then you are good to go. I'll tell you this early that, yes, the solution might sound simple but it doesn't mean that it's easy to achieve.” Victor already warned before they even start overestimating themselves.

”From now on up until the time when you breakthrough, I want you to polish your Energy Control. I'll give you a homework exersises to follow and whenever I call you guys for a class, you have to perform the homework I gave you. There won't be any rewards nor punishment if you're not able to do your homeworks, but because of my requirement, you're breakthroughs will be pushed further and further, that will set behind your classmates. If you don't want that to happen, then try your best.”

Victor added yet another obstacle for the class, most of them just finished their monthly task and haven't even rested yet but now there's another headache for them. At some point, they wanted to just laze around for a bit and enjoy life, but it seems that Victor won't let them be.

”I will demonstrate your first homework so watch closely.”

Victor spoke, allowing everyone's attention to be focused on him. Once he was sure that everyone was watching, he raised his hand and imemdiately a thin layer of energy spread ang formed a protective sphere around him. This is Energy Barrier, another widely known technique that everyone knows.

Before anyone could speak, all of them felt a sharp fluctuation on Victor's Energy Barrier. The feeling was faint but unmistakably there, despite this they still can't find any visible changes on the energy barrier.