148 Be (1/2)
Having tagged Luna, the whole training field became silent.
The fierce clash between the newer batch of students are finally over. The rest of the class was scattered nearby and looked at the scene with wry smiles on their faces.
The training field was left in shambles. The pillars that looked so impressive earlier wasn't so much to look at after they're done. Rubbles and pieces the broken pillars could be seen on the ground and violent aftermath of their battle was still clear on their memories.
Raven let go of Luna's wrist, he himself slumped down on the ground while panting for breath. Even though he was severely exhausted, he still wore a satisfied and joyous expression on his face.
These are the kind of battles that he needed the most. Each time he was placed under the constant state of danger, the instincts that he acquired during his past life were slowly being restored to him, making him better by leaps and bounds.
”Man! You're such a freak!” Paul said, ”And here I thought that our training was enough to at least close the gap between us but nope! We still can't win.”
”Honestly though.” Ellen added, ”I pestered Dad so many times to train me just so that I could improve you know! But I can't even secure a hit to you.”
”You tell me!” Anne interjected from the side, ”I shot dozens of arrows and calculated his position so many times yet I didn't even landed a single hit in. I am so sad.”
”Well, some my attacks did land.” Mark added, ”But those that landed would just be parried like it was an inconvenience. It's depressing as hell.”
”You guys had it better!” Luna said with a cute pout, ”I didn't even get to do much on that fight. I'm sure Master would be disappointed if she hears this.”
”Trust me, you did plenty. It's not like you didn't get to do much, it was more of he didn't allow you to do so.” Paul said to comfort her.
It was as Paul said, Raven truly did prevented Luna from doing much that fight. Raven knows that the little princess had a spectacular knack in fighting, he witnessed this first hand when they were still training together. Plus, Raven had no other choice. He was against five people during that time, it was already hard enough to make them separated much less handling them all at the same time.
Raven allowed them to discuss among themselves, he didn't talk and just looked at them with some sort of an empty gaze, nevertheless he was still smiling.
He listened to them as they discussed about the ways on what they could've done better in that fight. He wasn't following their conversation at all and instead just sat there, like he was waiting for something to occur.
”Hey dude!?” Raven was briefly startled when he heard Paul calling out to him. His vision focused to him and saw Paul looking at him with a somewhat worried expression.
”You're not saying anything for a while now? Is something wrong?”
However, instead of answering his question. Raven just smiled knowingly to him and said nothing. Just as Paul was about to ask him some more question, something happened that everyone wasn't expecting.
A silhouette gradually materialize behind Raven. When the obscuring shadow disappear, the figure was revealed as a bulky guy who's wearing a malicious expression on his face. His lips was forming a thick, mocking smile as he firmly gripped his axe over his head and struck it down.
Paul, Ellen, Mark, Anne and Luna's hearts were gripped with despair as they saw this. They tried warning Raven and even tried picking up their weapons to block this strike but they were too far and too exhausted to even move.
Time seemed to stop.
Everyone watched with bated breaths as the sharp axe plunged down to Raven's head. It wasn't until the very last second when Raven decided to lift his arm and meet the blow using his bare flesh.
When Zelor saw this, he couldn't help but to sneer inwardly. What a useless attempt to save himself. Does he think that his flesh is sharper or tougher than his axe? What a joke!
Eh? Was Zelor's first thought, he wasn't sure if his ears are playing tricks with him or not. He should've heard the sound of splitting flesh and saw blood splatters on his axe by now. But instead of experiencing that, he instead felt a great resistance that made his arms hurt and heard the should of what seems to be a metallic sound.
As his vision re-focused, his pupils dilated and his body shook visibly.