Part 40 (2/2)

List some of the attributes that might describe the love Kari had for her husband. How can those same attributes be helpful-or even possible-in your life?

What finally turned Tim around? What kept Tim from loving Kari as he had promised to love her? Which of those hindrances do you see in your life? What can you do about it?

370 10. How did you feel about Ryan Taylor? Describe the kind of love he had for Kari during the first half of the book. How did that love change? In what relations.h.i.+ps do you love people the way Ryan initially loved Kari? What can you do to change?

Many people gave Kari advice about her situation. If Kari had asked you for advice, what would you have told her? Why?

If Tim had come to you for advice, what would you have told him? Why?

If Ryan had come to you for advice, what would you have told him? Why?

Kari's siblings are important to her. Describe the relations.h.i.+p she has with each one. Describe the relations.h.i.+p you have with your siblings.

Describe the relations.h.i.+p between John and Elizabeth Baxter. What were some of the subtle signs and practical ways they showed their love for each other?

What are the practical ways you do or could show your love to the people in your relations.h.i.+ps?

How did John and Elizabeth's marriage affect Kari and Tim's marriage? What impact does your marriage (or your other close relations.h.i.+ps) have on the people around you?

Clear Creek Community Church played a significant role in the lives of several of the Baxter family members. What positive influence did the church people have on various family members? Was the church's involvement with the family effective, or would you have wanted Christians to handle things differently? Explain. What role do your church friends or leaders play in your relations.h.i.+ps?

The counselors at the marriage intensive told Kari and Tim about their personal dance. This involved recognizing their deepest fears, a.n.a.lyzing their coping behaviors, 371 and recognizing how this pattern was causing distance between them. See if you can identify your own dance and the way it plays out in your closest relations.h.i.+ps. Are the steps of your dance bringing you closer to the people you love or putting distance between you?

What relations.h.i.+ps in the Baxter family still need restoration and redemption? What relations.h.i.+ps in your life need redemption? Where and how will you find that redemption?

Throughout Redemption G.o.d found creative ways to speak to the people in the story. How does G.o.d speak to you? At the same time consider the ways of the enemy and his distracting voice. In what ways is the enemy trying to distract you?.





Other Emotionally Gripping Fiction t.i.tles by Karen Kingsbury ----.

Where Yesterday Lives Waiting for Morning.

A Moment of Weakness When Joy Came to Stay A Time to Dance On Every Side Halfway to Forever.

A Time to Embrace Other Relations.h.i.+p Books by Gary Smalley.

Men's Relational Toolbox.

Food and Love One Flame.

Love Is a Decision (with John Trent) Bound by Honor (with Greg Smalley) Love That Lasts Forever.

The Language of Love (with John Trent) The Blessing (with John Trent) The Two Sides of Love (with John Trent).

