Part 40 (1/2)

Ideas would come, but they seemed too small for something as big and life-changing as the dream Gary and I had come to share.

Then one day I was on a flight home from Colorado Springs when G.o.d literally gave me the Redemption series-t.i.tles, plots, characters, themes, story lines, and all. All of it poured out into my notebook while goose b.u.mps flashed up and down my spine.

Generally I don't find myself crying when I write a synopsis for a novel. I can imagine the tears it might bring. I know where the story will most affect my heart. But I don't actually weep.

On that flight, though, the tears came steadily. I could literally see the Baxter family, each person, and in those hours I came to know them-their fears and desires, their strengths and weaknesses, the things that would devastate them and the things that would give them hope. I cried for all this series would put the Baxter family through. But I also cried for the ways they would emerge victorious because of their understanding of love-and because of G.o.d's merciful redemption.

In some ways, the books in the Redemption series will read like many of my other novels. The characters will be flawed, their problems the same ones you and I face despite our faith. The difference is this: Though each book will stand alone as a novel to be read and enjoyed, the whole story will not be finished until the end.

Until the final book, Reunion.

Normally I do not leave my readers wondering what 366 happened to the characters. But in the case of the Redemption series some questions will always be left unanswered, some issues unresolved until the very end. In some ways I wish I could tell you now what will become of John and Elizabeth, Brooke, Kari, Ashley, Erin, and Luke.

But I can't.

The books that lie ahead are written on the pages of Gary's heart and mine, but they have yet to be typed across the pages of my computer screen. As they emerge, we will bring them to you.

Bookstore shelves are filled with all sorts of novels, but my favorite ones always contain a love story. Not the .lighthearted boy-meets-girl tale, but the story of heartrending, unforgettable love. Real love. I believe that's what G.o.d gave me that day on the plane --a series of real love stories that have the power to change the way we feel and think and love.

My prayer and Gary's is that as you enjoy the Redemption series, you will gain a deeper understanding of how G.o.d can redeem broken relations.h.i.+ps, how love s.h.i.+nes its brightest in the shadow of his presence. Perhaps in riding out the next few years with the Baxters, you'll find yourself expressing your new understanding in your own relations.h.i.+ps.

And maybe, just maybe, the Redemption series will help change the way you live together. The way you love.

I leave you with the message of Redemption-that no matter who you are or where you've been, no matter the roads you've traveled, G.o.d loves you and wants to be in a deep relations.h.i.+p with you. The Bible tells us that G.o.d ”is pa.s.sionate about his relations.h.i.+p with you” (Exodus 34:14, NLT). He cares so much about restoring your relations.h.i.+p with him that he sent his own Son to the cross to redeem you. The Bible says that accepting G.o.d's gift of redemption is the first step toward a restored relations.h.i.+p with him.

If you need to know more about the redemption G.o.d has for you, I urge you to contact your local Bible-believing church and talk to a pastor-someone like Pastor Mark at Clear Creek 367 Community Church. Then make a decision to accept that redemption while G.o.d's salvation can still deeply affect your life.

But don't wait. The truth is, we often don't have much time to make things right. If we ignore G.o.d's redemption here and now, tomorrow might be too late.

The best time to say yes to G.o.d, yes to a restored relations.h.i.+p with him and others in your life, is always now.

Thank you for traveling the pages of Redemption with us. I hope you'll pa.s.s this book on to someone else, then keep your eyes open for Remember, book two in the Redemption series. The answers to some of your questions are being written even now.

In the meantime, may this find you walking close to G.o.d, enjoying the journey of life, and celebrating his gift of redemption. As always, I'd love to hear from you. Please write me at my e-mail address: Or contact me at my Web site: .

Blessings to you and yours, humbly, Karen Kingsbury.

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369 Discussion Questions.

Use these questions for individual reflection or for discussion with a book club or other small group.

Which character did you most closely relate to in the book? Why?

What character would you most want to be like? Why?

Where did you see the redemption theme playing out in the book? Which characters in this book dealt with issues of redemption, and how were those issues different for different characters? Describe how redemption was played out in the lives of key characters.

Where have you seen redemption in your life? Reflect on a time when you were in need of G.o.d's redemption and found it. How did that happen?

What characters best exemplified the type of love you would like to have in your relations.h.i.+ps? How did those people express their love?

Redemption dealt with a variety of relational struggles. Which one did you most relate to? How is your struggle similar? How is it different? What do you feel causes you to stay stuck in your struggle? What will it take for you to move beyond your struggle?

What did you think of Kari's resolve to stay married? How did she demonstrate that resolve? Was it something that came easily for her? What threatened her resolve?