Part 5 (1/2)
Tim sorted through a stack of flyers on a nearby table. ”Maybe a movie night, something like that.”
Ruth ran her fingers through her hair and batted her eyes at Tim. ”Come on, have a little imagination.” She flashed him a grin. ”We could have Bible studies in the morning and at night, well... we could organize a swimsuit compet.i.tion one night, a wet T-s.h.i.+rt contest another, maybe organize a dance party with a muscle-beach theme or-”
Tim raised his eyebrows. ”I like your creativity, Ruth. But it's the first meeting of the semester, and we've got five minutes to come up with some suggestions that might actually fly.”
The redhead moved in closer. ”Don't you ever lighten up?”
Tim c.o.c.ked his head and grinned. ”Not that way. Not around students.”
”So?” the girl whined. ”I'm not your student.”
Ruth's message was unmistakable, but Tim merely shook his head and returned to sorting through flyers.
Undaunted, the redhead leaned her face near his. ”You think you're too old for me, don't you?”
At that, Tim's head fell back and he laughed. ”Just how old do you think I am?”
But then he leveled his eyes at her and spoke gently. ”Look, I just don't date students. Okay?”
Kari watched, mesmerized. Though she wasn't interested in the man, she couldn't help but admire both his ethics and the smooth way he deflected Ruth's advances without totally deflating her.
When Tim and Ruth were finished preparing for the meeting, Ruth handed out name tags and welcome flyers to the students who were trickling in. Tim looked like he was about to take a seat when he spotted Kari. Their eyes held for a moment; then he looked away.
Instead of sitting down, he headed in her direction, greeting several students along the way. When he finally wound up at her table, it seemed nothing more than a polite gesture that he held his hand out and introduced himself. ”Hi, I'm Tim Jacobs. I'm sort of the token faculty guy for this bunch. I teach part-time over in the journalism school.” He smiled as their eyes met once more. ”Anyway, welcome.”
Something about the feel of his hand in hers made Kari's cheeks grow hot.
”Thanks.” She drew her hand back and buried it beneath the table. ”I wasn't going to come, but...”
Tim waited, his expression curious, but without the slightest show of interest in anything more than her answer. ”But. . . ?”
Kari shrugged. ”I needed a change.”
An easy grin filled Tim's face, and she felt his guard fall a bit. ”We all do, now and then.” There was an awkward silence between them, and Tim glanced around the room. ”Good turnout.
Bigger than we expected.” His attention was back on her. ”Guess we better get started.”
They didn't talk again until the meeting was over. As Kari was leaving, Tim smiled at her. ”Was it a good change?”
”Definitely.” The hour of conversation and Bible study had been just what she needed.
”Okay. See you next week.”
Kari's path didn't cross with Tim's until the next meeting, but several times in the next few days she kept on wondering about him. When she pa.s.sed the journalism building on the way to lunch each day, she found herself looking for him, guessing about his personal life. He had to be in his late twenties or early thirties. Probably engaged. Most men that age were tangled up in some kind of relations.h.i.+p.
Four weeks pa.s.sed, and Kari continued to attend the Bible studies. And though Tim did nothing inappropriate, made no suggestive remarks or flirtatious gestures, Kari had the uncanny sense that he was interested in her. At the end of the fifth meeting, Tim left the building at the same time she did and saw that she had an armful of books. ”Want help?”
Kari struggled to get a tighter grip on two of the heavier tomes. ”You don't mind?”
”No.” Tim took most of the stack and slipped the books easily beneath his arm.
”Where are you headed?”
She pointed with her elbow. ”Parking lot.”
They talked about the meeting while they made their way to her car. Then for nearly an hour they stood talking about her and his work and the churches they attended and what they'd done before coming to Indiana University.
Tim was finis.h.i.+ng his Ph.D. from another school, teaching some writing courses, and doing editorial work on the local paper. He'd grown up as a missionary kid but had been away from home for quite a while, working as a journalist and pursuing his education. He had moved to Bloomington from Chicago.
”That's amazing.” He smiled at her, and Kari had the sense 41 that this was the real Tim Jacobs, the one who probably lived behind the confident, unflappable public veneer. ”We've both been here on campus. I can't believe we never met before.”
Kari could. She'd spent very little time getting involved at IU. Why bother, when she still lived at home and until November had spent all her free time with Ryan Taylor? ”It's a big campus, I guess.”
”I guess.” Their conversation stalled, and Kari was about to say good-bye when he fixed his eyes on hers. ”Hey, Kari, you seeing anyone special?”
Even now she remembered the way her heart had winced at the question. ”Not anymore.”
Tim's eyes sparkled, and she realized again that he was letting her see who he really was. ”Well, if you're not doing anything, maybe we could have dinner sometime.”
Kari remembered Tim's comment to Ruth, the way he held her advances at bay. ”I thought you didn't date students.”
He chuckled. ”You mean Ruth?”
Kari nodded, biting her lip to keep from smiling. ”You handled the whole wet T-s.h.i.+rt thing very well, I must admit.”
”Ruth means well.” His grin faded. ”Actually, I don't usually date students.
I'll be working here full-time soon, and-” he shrugged-”it isn't a good idea.”
”But. . . ?”