Part 41 (1/2)
”Olga,” he said, when she was shown into his room, ”really you are growing prettier each day! I envy Ivan Ivanovitch, for he has good taste.”
”You flatter me, Father,” said the girl, blus.h.i.+ng.
”I speak the truth,” declared the monk, twisting the end of his beard in his fingers and fixing his strange eyes upon hers. ”But,” he went on, ”I asked you here because I want you to help our cause once again--with the perfume.”
She grew serious in an instant.
”Who is obnoxious?” she asked quickly, in a hard voice.
”Purishkevitch,” declared the monk. ”The man has somewhere in his house certain incriminating papers regarding Madame Vyrubova. These, however, do not concern you. When the Deputy is dead I will have the police search the house at once, and the papers when found will be handed to me. You must repeat the role you played in Prince Tchekmareff's household.”
With these words he rose and took from a drawer he unlocked a small bottle containing a piece of cotton-wool, saying:
”This wool has been soaked in the perfume and dried, so that it is more easily carried and less suspicious than in liquid form. Just place a little water on the wool and squeeze it out, when you have the perfume ready to hand.”
The pretty girl took the little wide-mouthed bottle and held it against the light.
”The Deputy will be difficult to approach,” she said. ”He is not a fast-living man, like some with whom I have dealt.”
”He will not be able to resist a pretty face like yours,” Rasputin said confidently.
”Well,” she said at last, ”I will try, Father. Give me your blessing.”
And she went upon her knees, while the erotic blackguard placed his dirty hands upon her head, and, raising his eyes to Heaven, pretended to place upon her his benediction.
Afterwards, before she left us, she told us that she knew that the Deputy had a young man-servant named Protzenko, and it would be her object to first attract his attention and become on intimate terms with him, by which means she would be enabled to visit the servants' quarters of Purishkevitch's house.
”Excellent--if you do not think that you could obtain a place there as servant.”
”That would be difficult, for I happen to know that all the servants have been there for years, and that there is no vacancy.”
”Well, Olga, act just as you like,” the monk said. ”Only remove him, and then telephone instantly to me, so that the police can search immediately.”
Of the girl Bauer we heard nothing for a fortnight. Time after time I felt impelled to warn the doomed man, but I feared lest Rasputin should suspect me of treachery, the other plots having failed. One night, while at the palace, I was informed by a flunkey that someone wished to speak with the monk on the public telephone, therefore I went to the instrument.
The voice I heard was that of Olga Bauer, who, when she recognised me, said:
”Tell the Father that his wishes were carried out half an hour ago. You know what I mean--eh?”
”Yes,” I replied. ”I know--I will tell him at once.” And then I rang off.
Returning to Rasputin's handsome room I repeated the message, whereupon he sprang up with eager delight, and ringing up Protopopoff at his house in Petrograd, told him to order an immediate police search of Purishkevitch's house, as had already been arranged.
After that I had some business with the Master of the Imperial Household in the opposite wing of the palace, and it was not till half-an-hour later that I re-entered the ”saint's” room.
I found Rasputin foaming with rage and stamping up and down the room in fury.
”I told the Empress and Anna the good news, now to find that it is false!” he cried. ”The police made a domiciliary visit only to be greeted by Purishkevitch himself. Think of it!”
”Then the fellow is not dead!” I gasped in amazement.