Part 42 (1/2)

BE'NISON, _s._ a blessing

BENU'MB, _v.a._ make torpid; stupify

BESIE'GE, _v.a._ to beleaguer; to lay siege to

BESPRE'NT, _v. def._ besprinkled

BESTO'W, _v.a._ give; confer upon; lay up

BETWE'EN, _prep._ in the middle s.p.a.ce; from one to another; noting difference of one from another

BI'LBERRY, _s._ the fruit of a plant so called

BO'ATMAN, _s._ he that manages a boat

BO'DY, _s._ material substance of an animal; matter; person; collective ma.s.s; main part; main army

BO'RDER, _s._ edge; edge of a country; a bank raised round a garden and set with flowers

BO'UNTEOUS, _a._ liberal; kind; generous

BOUQUE'T, _s._ (p.r.o.nounced _boo-kay_) a nosegay

BOWSPRI'T, _s._ (a sea term) the mast that runs out at the bow of a s.h.i.+p

BRA'CELET, _s._ an ornament for the arms

BRA'CH, _s._ a she hound

BRA'CKISH, _a._ salt; somewhat salt

BRI'LLIANCY, _s._ brightness; l.u.s.tre

BRI'LLIANT, _s._ a diamond of the finest cut

BRI'LLIANT, _a._ s.h.i.+ning; sparkling; full of l.u.s.tre

BU'BBLE, _s._ a small bladder of water; anything which wants solidity and firmness

BU'LKY, _a._ of great size or stature

BU'LWARK, _s._ a fortification; a security

BUO'YANCY, _s._ the quality of floating

BU'RDENSOME, _a._ grievous

BU'RIAL, _s._ interment; the act of putting anything under earth or water