Part 41 (1/2)
A'Tt.i.tUDE, _s._ position; expression
ATTRA'CT, _v.a._ draw to something; allure; invite
ATTRA'CTIVE, _a._ having the power to draw anything; inviting
ATTRIBUTE, _v.a._ to ascribe; to yield as due; to impute as a cause
AU'DITOR, _s._ a hearer
AURO'RA-BOREA'LIS, _a._ electrical light streaming in the night from the north; the northern lights or streamers
AUSTE'RITY, _s._ severity; cruelty
AUTHENTIC, _a._ genuine
AU'THOR, _s._ the first beginner or mover of anything; a writer in general
AUTHO'RITY, _s._ power; rule; influence; support; legal power
AU'TUMN, _s._ the season of the year between summer and winter
AVAILABLE, _a._ profitable; powerful; advantageous
AVALA'NCHE, _s._ immense ma.s.s of snow or ice
A'VERAGE, _s._ a middle proportion
AVI'DITY, _s._ eagerness; voracity; greediness
AVO'ID, _v.a._ shun; s.h.i.+ft off; quit
AWA'KE, _v.a._ rouse out of sleep; put into new action
AW'KWARD, _a._ clumsy; inelegant; unready
A'ZURE, _s._ blue; faint blue
BA'CCHa.n.a.lS, _s._ the drunken feasts of Bacchus; fabulous personages who a.s.sisted at the festivals of Bacchus
BALCO'NY, _s._ a frame before the window of a room
BALLO'ON, _s._ a large hollow ball of silk, filled with gas, which makes it rise in the air
BA'NDIT, _s._ a man outlawed
BA'NISH, _v.a._ condemn to leave one's country; drive away
BA'NISHMENT, _s._ the act of banis.h.i.+ng another; the state of being banished