Part 76 (2/2)

TYMPAN-UM. [L.] The middle ear.

ULNA. [L.] A bone of the forearm.

ULNAR, UL-NARIS. Relating to the ulna.

URIC. [Gr. +ouron+, _ouron_, urine.] An acid contained in urine, and in gouty concretions.

U-VEA. [L. _uva_, a grape.] Resembling grapes. A thin membrane of the eye.

UVU-LA. A soft body, suspended from the palate, near the aperture of the nostrils, over the glottis.

VACCINE VIRUS. [L. _vacca_, a cow, _virus_, poison.] Pertaining to cows; derived from cows.

VALVE. Any membrane, or doubling of any membrane, which prevents fluids from flowing back in the vessels and of the animal body.

VALVU-LA, -. A valve.

VASCU-LAR. [L. _vasculum_, a vessel.] Pertaining to vessels; abounding in vessels.

VASTUS. [L.] Great, vast. Applied to some large muscles.

VEINS. Vessels that convey blood to the heart.

VENOUS. Pertaining to veins.

VENTRI-CLE. [L. _venter_, the stomach.] A small cavity of the animal body.

VEN-TRICU-LAR. Relating to ventricles.

VER-MICU-LAR. [L. _vermiculus_, a little worm.] Resembling the motions of a worm.

VERM-I-FORMIS. [L. _vermis_, a worm, and _forma_, form.] Having the form and shape of a worm.

VERTE-BRA, -. [L. _verto_, to turn.] A joint of the spinal column.

VERTE-BRAL. Pertaining to the joints of the spinal column.

VESI-CLE. [L. _vesica_, a bladder.] A little bladder, or a portion of the cuticle separated from the cutis vera and filled with serum.

VESTI-BULE. [L.] A porch of a house. A cavity belonging to the ear.

VILLI. [L.] Fine, small fibres.

VIRUS. [L. poison.] Foul matter of an ulcer; poison.

VITAL. [L. _vita_, life.] Pertaining to life.
