Part 76 (1/2)

TARSUS. [L.] The posterior part of the foot.

TENDON. [Gr. +tein+, _teino_, to stretch.] A hard, insensible cord, or bundle of fibres, by which a muscle is attached to a bone.

TENDI-NA, -. Pertaining to a tendon.

TENSOR. A muscle that extends a part.

TEN-TACU-LA, -. [L. _tento_, to seize.] A filiform process or organ on the bodies of various animals.

TEN-TORI-UM. [L. _tendo_, to stretch.] A process of the dura mater which lies between the cerebrum and cerebellum.

TERES. [L. _teres_, round.] An epithet given to many organs, the fibres of which are collected in small bundles.

THORAX. [Gr.] That part of the skeleton that composes the bones of the chest. The cavity of the chest.

THO-RACIC. Relating to the chest.

THYROID. [Gr. +thureos+, _thureos_, a s.h.i.+eld.] Resembling a s.h.i.+eld. A cartilage of the larynx.

TIBI-A. [L., a flute.] The large bone of the leg.

TIB-I-ALIS, TIBI-AL. Relating to the tibia.

TISSUE. The texture or organization of parts.

TONSIL. [L.] A glandular body in the throat or fauces.

TRACHE-A. [Gr. +trachus+, _trachus_, rough.] The windpipe.

TRACHE-AL. Belonging to the trachea.

TRANS-VERSE, TRANS-VER-SALIS. Lying in a cross direction.

TRA-PEZI-US. The name of a muscle, so called from its form.

TRICEPS. [L. _tres_, three, and _caput_, head.] Three. A name given to muscles that have three attachments at one extremity.

TRI-CUSPID. [L. _tres_, three, and _cuspis_, point.] The triangular valves in the right side of the heart.

TROCHLE-A. [Gr. +trochalia+, _trochalia_, a pulley.] A pulley-like cartilage, over which the tendon of a muscle of the eye

TROCH-LE-ARIS. The name of a muscle of the eye.

TRUNK. The part of the body, to which the limbs are articulated.

TUBER-CLE. [L. _tuber_, a bunch.] A small push, swelling, or tumor, on animal bodies.

TU-BER-OSI-TY. The state of being k.n.o.bbed or protuberant.