Part 68 (2/2)

CALCI-UM. [L.] The metallic basis of lime.

CAPIL-LA-RY. [L. _capillus_, a hair.] Resembling a hair; small.

CAPSU-LAR. Pertaining to a capsule.

CAPSULE. [L. _capsula_, a little chest.] A membranous bag, enclosing a part.

CAPUT. [L.] The head. _Caput coli._ The head of the colon.

CARBON. [L. _carbo_, a coal.] Pure charcoal. An elementary combustible substance.

CAR-BONIC. Pertaining to carbon.

CARDI-AC. [Gr. +kardia+, _kardia_, heart.] Relating to the heart, or upper orifice of the stomach.

CARNE-A, -. [L. _caro_, _carnis_, flesh.] Fleshy.

CA-ROTID. [Gr. +karos+, _karos_, lethargy.] The great arteries of the neck that convey blood to the heart. The ancients supposed drowsiness to be seated in these arteries.

CARPAL. [L. _carpus_, the wrist.] Relating to the wrist.

CARPUS, -I. [L.] The wrist.

CARTI-LAGE. [L. _cartilago_.] Gristle. A smooth, elastic substance, softer than bone.

CAR-TI-LAGIN-OUS. Pertaining to cartilage.

CAU-CASIAN. One of the races of men.

CAVA. [L.] Hollow. _Vena cava._ A name given to the two great veins of the body.

CELLU-LAR. [L. _cellula_, a little cell.] Composed of cells.

CER-E-BELLUM. [L.] The hinder and lower part of the brain, or the little brain.

CERE-BRAL. Pertaining to the brain.

CERE-BRUM. [L.] The front and large part of the brain. The term is sometimes applied to the whole contents of the cranium.

CERE-BRO-SPINAL. Relating to the brain and spine.

CERVIX. [L.] The neck.

CERVI-CAL. Relating to the neck.

CHEST. [Sax.] The thorax; the trunk of the body from the neck to the abdomen.
