1 Episode 1- The Beginning (1/2)

Have you ever wanted to be the last person on earth? To do whatever you wanted to do? To go wherever you wanted to go? Well that happened to me. I didn't wish on a star or anything. It just sort of happened. I just woke up one day and no one was around. Everyone I knew was gone. Or so I thought. My name is Isabella Faith Dawson and this is my story.....

I was running. I didn't know where I was. I didn't even know what I was running from. Everything around was black. It was like someone turned the lights off. I tried to find light or at least someone but I didn't. I just kept running in blackness. I soon got to thinking. 'Why am I running? I wanted to know!' I stop and slowly turn around. When I do my mouth drops. 'NO! It can't be!' What I was seeing was something awful. Earth sat miles away from me. It seemed I was on another planet. Suddenly four, huge, people surrounded earth. They all wore white robes. I tried to make out their faces but nothing. All I could see was darkness.

”Whats going on?” I say uncertain out loud.

Soon all they all look my way. I froze. Oh no! They heard me!' When they all look at me I notice all their eyes glowing white. 'Why white?' I question. They slowly lift their arms an point at me. They all spoke in some strange language I've never heard before. I tried to understand but nothing. Suddenly my heart starts to hurt. I fall to my knees as I hold my chest. 'Why did it hurt so badly? What were they doing this to me?'

”OW!” I yell in pain. ”STOP IT!” I demand but it didn't work. The pain became stronger.

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”AHH!” I jump up. My hand still covering my chest. I soon realize I'm laying on my bed. I look around and see my room. I let out a sigh of relief. ”It was only a dream.” My heart started to calm down. I began to relax. I was safe now. Suddenly a large dog jumps on me. I see that its my dog Max. ”Hey boy” I pet his head. He licks my cheek before jumping off the bed and out the door.

I throw my covers off me as I sit up. I rub my eyes. 'I hope tonight's dream isn't as bad as last nights' I stand up an walk to my desk, which had my phone sitting on it. I touched my phone. 6:20 a.m. read across it. I didn't get on the bus until 7:50, so I had a while.

I grab some clothes an make my way to the shower. When I close the door to the bathroom I began to take my clothes off. As I do I hear my name.


I quickly looking around. No one is in the bathroom with me. I just ignore it and a.s.sume I was making it up in my head.

After turning on the water I get in. As I stand there letting the water hit my head, I think back to my dream. I squeeze my fists. 'That dream! What does it mean? Why do I keep having it?' I take a deep breath. 'Maybe its nothing.' I finish taking a shower.

When I get out I almost fall on my face. If it were not for me grabbing the toilet seat. I stand up looking back to what almost made me fall. A little plastic duck sat there. I pick it up.

”So you almost made me hit my face?” I say mocking the duck. I set it on the sink.

I quickly get my clothes on but before I leave I look back at the duck. I see this time it was upside down. I look closer at it. I see a name written on the bottom. I read it out loud.

”Jason....” I raise a brow. ”Thats my brothers name...” My eyes widen. ”Carp!” I yell remembering I forgot to wake my brother up. I rush out the door when I fall. ”Ouch” I say standing. I look back to see Max getting up from in front of the bathroom. ”MAX!” I yell madly. He gets up and walks away sadly to my room. ”Stupid dog.” I roll my eyes as I walk to my brothers room. When I open the door I see his bed was made and he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I walk in his room looking around. ”Kevin I swear if you jump out and scare me I'll kill you” I look under his bed an see nothing. I suddenly hear something moving in his closet. I look at it as I get up. ”Kevin?” I walk closer to it. ”Kevin I promise if you jump out...” I turn the k.n.o.b. I swing it open. ”HA! Found you....” I stop when all that I see was his clothes. ”Ugh.” I shut the door. But as I start to walk out his bedroom door I hear his closet door open. I freeze. ”Kevin?” I slowly turn around as my heart beats fast. I swallow hard. 'I checked his closet! Nothing was there! So who opened it?' ”Kevin I swear don't play games or I'll....I'll tell mom and dad on yo-” before I finish my sentence I hear someone yell from downstairs.

”Izzy! You up?”

I calm down. I knew that voice. It was Cole, my best friend. ”Yeah! Be down in a mintue.” I say walking to the door. I stop an look back to the closet. I sign. I hurry an close the door to my brothers room. I walk down the stairs.

When I reach downstairs I find Cole sitting on the couch. He was watching TV. His blonde hair s.h.i.+ned from the sunlight that came from the window. He looked up as he saw me. His dark brown eyes lite up while his smile went big. I stared at him. 'That smile could melt my heart.' It made my legs quiver. 'Oh dang! I'm getting off track. Whoops. Anyways' I smile back. ”Hey.”

He gets up and runs his hand through his long hair. ”Whats up little Izzy?”

I soon felt my cheeks burn. I look at the ground. ”I'm not little” I walk to the kitchen. Cole follows me.

”Whatever you say” He laughs. ”So” He says leaning on the counter beside me.

I don't look at him but instead start fixing me some breakfast. ”So what?”

He laughs again. ”Well how was your sleep?”

I swallow hard. 'I've never told anyone my dream. And the last person I want to tell is Cole.' ”M-my dream?”