Chapter 46 (1/2)

Chapter 46 - Helping desu

Okasan's omelettes that I ate after a long time was super good after all.

The ingredients used is different every time and it is leek and ground pork meat today.

Also, it looks like cheese was mixed in the egg.

I do not know the specific reasons for it, but anyways, it is delicious.

While she was eating, Laura could not help her cheeks be loose.

And that was not limited to Laura, but when Charlotte and Anna took a bite, they also widened their eyes to the deliciousness.

「W-What is this, what is this soft and fluffy, melting omelettes……!!」

「This, it's my first time」

Seeing the girls eating the omelettes wholeheartedly, Dora made a happy face.

「It's is fun as if my daughters increased at once. The three of you, stay here for a while. There is still more than a month on your summer vacation right?」

Today is the end of July, and the summer vacation is for the whole August.

The drop out request that Bruno has sent was quickly taken care of, so they could play all that they want.

「I want to stay for a while, since I came back but……is Charlotte-san and Annsan okay?」

「I'm normally free, so it's okay. But, I can't pay lodging fees you know?」

Anna said while munching omelettes.

「Oh really〜, what are you saying〜. There's no way that I'll take money from Laura's friend right」

「I'm relieved. Please take care of me」

Anna bowed her head.

「I also do not have anything in schedule but……I do not want to rest my magic training, so can I do that nearby this place?」

「It's okay. The only good thing about this place is that it's peaceful. There are no monsters that can be your target, but you can ask Laura to be your opponent instead」

「Un. I'll be your opponent anytime〜」

Hearing that, *Girari*, Charlotte's eyes s.h.i.+ned.

「Anytime……it means that I can train with Laursan from morning till night?! Well then, please let me stay here for a while! Please take care of me!」

「Ara〜ara. Laura and Charlotte-chan are friends and rivals at the same time huh. What a wonderful relations.h.i.+p〜. Ahh, but, hold back on destroying the environment okay」

Just seeing Charlotte's expression, Dora had guessed the two's relations.h.i.+p.

As expected of an Rank adventurer and a mother.

「Even so, the three of have quite a lot of appet.i.te. It's a special large omelettes but you already ate it?」

「Okasan's omelettes is the best in the world after all!」

「The food is better than our chef desu wa」

「My cheeks will melt if I eat this everyday」

Dora is in a great mood being praised a lot.

Laura is also in a great mood having her mother praised.