Chapter 45 (1/2)

Chapter 45 - Everyone omelettes desu


Laura laid her father down in front of their house.

Although he got directly hit by lightning, there were no conspicuous burns.

Laura furrowed her brows, wondering what kind of training he does because she was sure that she nullified his strengthening magic.

「Congratulations, Laura. With this, you can now go to the magic department with ease」

Dora welcomed her with a smile.

「Un……but, Otou-san, will he be alright?」

「It's alright. He won't die just by getting hit by lightning」

「No, I'm not worried about that. I don't mean that but, I told him that his serious mode with fighting spirits was actually strengthening magic……」

「Ahh, come to think of it, you said something like that. It is true that it's surprising. To think that this serious mode is magic……ei!!」

Together with her cheer up call, Dora also released light and entered Serious Mode.

「Okasan can do it too?!! I mean, how good are your ears to hear the conversation above the lake……」

「Both Okasan and Otou-san has good ears you know. Ah, not just ears but also eyes and nose」

It looks like Laura's parents have exceeded human limits even if they do not use strengthening magic.

“But still, it sounds stupid”, Laura couldn't help but think like that.

She wondered in the past why she was able to use magic even though she had not practiced, but the reason is obvious. It's because her parents also used magic without practicing.


Charlotte's voice could be heard from above.

Almost at the same time, Charlotte fell down from above.

「Laursan, ahh, Laursan! With this, we'll be together in the second semester too right. Thank goodness, thank goodness desu waa〜!!」

「Charlotte-san, please don't get that sticky〜, Okasan's looking at us……but, thank you very much. Ehehe〜」

Charlotte was so happy for Laura's victory that she even shed tears for her.

That made her very happy.

Rather than within against her father, she was happier that she has a friend that would be happy for her.

「Laura, congrats」

Anna came out normally from the entrance door.

She grabbed Laura's hand and swung it up and down.

After that, she peeled Charlotte from her and「There, there」, she calmed her down.

However, Charlotte wouldn't stop crying.

「I, just thinking that Laursan would disappear from the school, I cannot hold my tears and……but, it is okay now right. Ahh, I'm so happy my tears won't stop」

Either way, it looks like she's going to cry.

Coming up to this, they could only let her cry all she want.

「Ara〜. Charlotte-chan and Laurchan loves Laura so much huh. Thank you. Please be her friend from now on too okay」

「Of course desu wa, Okasama! Yes, of course desu waa〜!」

Charlotte hugged Laura more fiercely, patted her head, and rubbed cheeks with her.

My hair became so messy.

I should ask her to lend me a comb later.

「I also love Laura」

Anna pulled Dora's clothes.

「I know right, Annchan also followed her to this place. Having such a cute and amazing friends……Laura should be very happy」

「Un……I also love Charlotte-san and Annsan you know. Let's be friends forever!」

Laura said that with grat.i.tude and affection from the bottom of her heart.

Even if we graduate from the Gydrorea Adventurer's School, we might work together as well.

But we might go on separate ways.

However, even so, I want to stay as friends.

Forever and ever.

「Laursan, Laursaaaaa〜n!!」

Charlotte was finally about to stop crying but hearing Laura's words, she started to shed huge tears again.

It looks like she completely pushed on the switch.

She was crying as if she might get dehydrated.

That Charlotte looked so funny and cute.

Laura, Anna, and Dora soothed Charlotte while smiling.

At the time when Charlotte had stopped crying, Bruno raised his body.


Laura tried to say something to Bruno, but she couldn't find a word to say.

That cool and strong father of hers was emaciated as if he was a different person.

Thinking that the cause is her, Laura felt guilty.

「Laura……it's a promise. You don't need to drop out. Do what you want. It's your own life」

「U-Un……thank you」

With this, Laura has completed her goal.

She can continue going to the school in the second semester.

That itself was something to celebrate.

But, my heart wouldn't cheer up at all.

I didn't want to see father like this.

His body looks huge without change, but he seems as if he would disappear somewhere.