Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 36 (2/2)

The two party has a total of 20 people.

They surround the Behemoth, attack it with magic and arrows, and challenge it with a melee after stopping its feet.

But the Behemoth’s skin was thick, and their attacks couldn’t go through decently.

「d.a.m.n it, this is stronger than a regular Behemoth! It’s a variant!」

They were having a difficult fight.

When they were watching in suspense, one of the adventurers was blown off by the Behemoth’s tail.

The magician used recovery magic to save that. Because of that, the firepower for support fell, and the Behemoth’s movements become intense.

It was only a matter of time before the collapse of the Crimson s.h.i.+eld and Hawkeye.

「I cannot watch this! Laura-san, Anna-san. Let us join the fight!」

It’s true, that if they don’t do that, they will die.

But, they were scolded once with the Leviathan.

If they defeat the Behemoth while there are this much witnesses, horns might grow from Emilia’s head.

“Shouldn’t we just make them shut their mouths by any means after defeating the Behemoth”, Laura had that thought for an instant.

But she imagined herself sewing the mouth of the witnesses with a thread, and started trembling from its frightfulness.

「It’s pitiful making them shut their mouths〜……!」

「Haa〜? Have you forgotten, Laura-san. Did you not buy a paper bag in the royal capital for times like these」

「Ah, that’s right! We only need to transform with this right!」

There holes properly for their eyes in the paper bag that she bought.

With this, nothing should be found out, probably!

Laura and Charlotte merrily wore the paper bag, and forced Anna who didn’t like it somehow to wear it.

「Transformation finished. Well then, right away……Spear of Ice!」

Laura gathered water from the air and the ground, froze it, creating a huge spear of ice.

And she launched it towards the Behemoth.

It hit its abdomen, piercing it deeply enough that it might jump out of the other side.


Behemoth raised a scream from the sudden pain.

Following secondly, Charlotte dropped lightning without holding back.

The lightning pa.s.sed through the spear of ice, entering the Behemoth’s insides. The surroundings were covered by the smell of meat being burned.

「Anna-san has the last hit. I will cast strengthening magic, so please do it!」

「I will hand you the highlight」

「It’s okay not having the highlight you know……」

While complaining, Anna drew the sword she had on her back, and ran towards the Behemoth.

Laura and Charlotte activated the muscle strengthening magic at the same time.

Anna was strengthened to the limits, and cut off the Behemoth’s head with one slash.

「Y-You girls, what in the world……?」

The adventurers looked at the three with faces not knowing what just happened.

「We are the pa.s.sing by,『Paper Bagrn (Kamibukuron)』desu. We don’t have something to do with Gyrdorea Adventurers School or PajaRangers at all! Well then, goodbye!!」

Because their disguise was perfect, there was a low chance of their ident.i.ty getting found out.

But in the world, there are times when things unlikely happen, so Laura and the rest quickly ran away.

「It feels good saving people right〜」

「I am content fighting with the Behemoth」

「I, the Behemoth’s head……as I’ve thought, strengthening magic is amazing」

The three returned to the dormitory with a refreshed mood.

And on the next day, they were terribly scolded by Emilia at the school.

「Even if you wear paper bags, if you’re wearing uniforms it would be found out right!!!!!!!!!」

「Hi〜n, sorr〜y」

Laura, Anna, and Charlotte, the three of them stood in the corridor during the morning.

On top of that, they remembered around that time that they forgot to bring back the Sky Fishes that they caught.

It never rains, but it pours.

“I even wanted to buy a new sword with the money from selling the Sky Fish……”, Laura silently shed tears.
