Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 5 (2/2)

Laura timidly asked the girl who was standing beside her.

She was about 14-years old. And she was relatively young in this group.

She set her golden hair with a round spiral shape, and was making a somehow daring expression.

Everyone was wearing the uniform provided, but only she, had frills and laces for some reason.

It looks like she modified it before the entrance ceremony.

She’s not an ordinary person.

But she was easier to talk to her than those who are much older and of the opposite s.e.x.

「Ara, Maa〜. Laura-san, even though you have amazing apt.i.tude in magic, you don’t know something like that?」

「Yes……Uhmm, I, was a swordsman applicant……I had never studied about magic, that’s why……」

When Laura told her honestly, the golden-haired girl made a frowning face.

Well, I know that feeling.

Everyone in here, is aspiring to become a first cla.s.s magician.

I think she couldn’t forgive that there’s someone in here who wasn’t interested in magic.

But I don’t know how to explain in other ways.

Laura have not imagined that it would be like this.

She had all expectations within her heart in the morning.

But now, she didn’t have even the “M” letter in the word motivation.

「Ara, is that so! But without studying at all, don’t think that you’re going to be at the top! The one who will become number one in the freshmen……No, the one who will be the strongest magician in school will be, this Charlotte Gazard!」

「Charlotte-san, desuka. Uhmm, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I’m not thinking of being number one so……Please be yourself」

「……*Fun*. You’re disappointing. I was wrong at thinking about you as a rival」

Charlotte seems to have lost her interest to Laura with that, and looked away.

Instead, another male student kindly explained the “Summoning of Spirits” to her.

Someone said, that the world is filled with the existence called “Spirits”.

In water, fire, lightning, and earth. In light and darkness. Spirits dwells at everything, and calling out to that spirit, in exchange of one’s magic power miracles occur.

That, is magic.

And a high-level magician can summon the spirit itself, make it materialize using magic powers, and make it help you.

Just like what Emilia did right now.

「I see……It’s the amazing version of servants right」

「Well, there’s also that way of looking at it?」

The male student that taught her made a subtle expression.

It looks like he didn’t like how Laura looked at it.

「The flame spirit that I summoned is the target. I’ve told you earlier that you can ignore the strength of your magic, but you can do your best to destroy it. I still can summon at least 20 of them」

「20 of them, huh……Well, it’s natural that the instructors can do at least that」

While she was saying, Charlotte’s voice was trembling.

I’m sure that summoning 20 flame spirits is an amazing thing, and Charlotte can’t do that. That’s why she’s frustrated.

I think, but being frustrated of losing to an instructor in the first day of school, she has amazing nerves.

Laura thought of Charlotte as a “strange person”.


If I change my places with her, I can understand her feelings a lot.

If I entered the Warrior Department as planned, and if an instructor showed me sword skills that are far stronger than what I have.

I would be so frustrated, I won’t be able to sleep.

(It looks like I suddenly like Charlotte……!)

I had no expectations at all in the Magic Department, but she might become my friend.

*NicoNico* That’s what she thought and looked at Charlotte intently while smiling.

They met their eyes.


She looked away.

Laura became sad, and dropped her shoulders.
