Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 5 (1/2)

Chapter 5:  I want to have friends

「……Laura Edmonds. 9-years old. The thing that I’m good at, is the sword that Father taught me. I was also taught of the spear by Mother a little. My favorite food is omelet」

Magic Department freshmen, 39 of them.

In front of them, Laura was introducing herself and was very nervous.

It would’ve been easier for her if this was Warrior Department, but this is the Magic Department. Her feelings were completely like an away team.

In front of the magicians-to-be, courage is needed to declare that the thing you are best in, is the sword.

But, it’s the truth, so it couldn’t be helped.

I don’t know anything about magic.

I’ve only used it twice before.

A ridiculous number, 9999, came out from that strange device but…”

Laura didn’t care.

「That’s the 9999 girl huh……」

「Even if she’s so little, is she really that amazing?」

「We’ll know it soon. And, you can’t get stronger with talents alone」

「But even if you say that, she’s 9999 you know」

I heard whispering voices all around.

I feel like I’m a panda in a zoo.

Isn’t there anyway that I could run away to the Warrior Department.

「Attention Everyone. Now that Laura-san’s self-introduction is finished, let’s move to the training grounds. Follow Sensei」

39 freshmen. 40 with Laura counted in, they make a row in the corridor, and *ZoroZoro* walked in order.

The training grounds was outside the school building.

Covered by brick walls, even if 40 students an instructor comes inside, you won’t feel constricted.

There’s no ceiling, and you can see the blue sky as it is.

But Laura felt something was off.

「……It’s covered with magic power?」

The Laura right now, besides the two times she used magic, have never seen magic at all.

But strangely, she knew that this training grounds was covered by a wall made out of magic.

「As expected of Laura-san. That’s right. This training grounds is always covered by a dome-figured defense barrier. That’s why even if you create a huge explosion, there wouldn’t be casualties around so don’t worry」

When Emilia said that, *Ohh* it raised cheers from the students.

Is defense barrier that amazing, Laura thought and tilted her head.

Although, it seems like it wasn’t the defense magic that was amazing, it was Laura who saw through it.

「Amazing! Able to find it with a glimpse, how much talent does she have」

「I, didn’t notice at all」

「I-I felt something was off too! I could’ve saw through the defense barrier if I was given time!」

「Well yeah, “given time” I could also do that……」

They’re noisy.

Rather, it’s embarra.s.sing.

Everyone’s older than me, but they are looking at me with admiring eyes.

If this was sword skill, she would be proud because her hard work was recognized, but right now, she don’t even know why she’s being praised.

「Attention, chatting is over. I want to see how is everyone’s skill today. One by one, shoot attack magic towards the target. Flame, Lightning, you can use whatever you can. You get it? The task is only to hit. You can ignore the strength of the magic. Well then, the one who wants to go first, name yourselves and we’ll go in order」

After Emilia said that, *Pachin* she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared at the back of the training grounds.

“Something’s coming out”ーーThe instant Laura felt that, flames whirled out from the magic circle.

That flame wriggled, made a humanoid figure, and grew to an adult male’s size.

「Ohh……It’s the Summoning of Spirits……」

「Sensei, even though she’s that young……The Gyrdorea Adventurer School’s instructor are really amazing huh」

It looks like it was an amazing skill.

But Laura who had no knowledge about magic, didn’t really understand.

「Uhmm……Do you know what’s Summoning of Spirits?」