Part 37 (1/2)
_The Third or Central Bay_
10. In the eastern lunette, over the door leading to the inner narthex.--Christ in the act of benediction.
11. In the western lunette.--The Theotokos, in the att.i.tude of prayer, with the Holy Child, in a nimbus, on her breast; the legend
[Greek: MR THY He CHoRA TOU ACh.o.r.eTOU]
(the country of the Infinite); on the right and left, an angel.
12. In the vault.--In the north-eastern corner, the miracle of water turned into wine. The date 1303, in Arabic numerals, is on this mosaic. In the south-eastern corner, the miracle of the loaves.
These mosaics, placed on either side of the figure of Christ, are emblems of His character as the Giver of Life.
In the north-western corner.--The sacrifice of a white bullock.
In the south-eastern corner.--The second miracle of the loaves.
13. On the third transverse arch.--Two saints, not named.
_The Fourth Bay_
14. In the eastern lunette.--To the left, the magi, on horseback, guided by a star, on their way to Jerusalem; to the right, the magi before Herod.
On the arch above.--The busts (in medallions) of SS. Abibus, Ghourias, Samonas.
15. In the western lunette.--Elizabeth fleeing with her child John from a soldier who pursues her with a drawn sword in his hand.
The scenes in the vault have disappeared.
16. On the fourth transverse arch.--Two saints, not named.
_The Fifth Bay_
17. In the eastern lunette.--Herod inquiring of the priests where the Christ should be born.
The busts of three saints on the arch above have disappeared.
18. In the western lunette.--Mothers at Bethlehem seated on the ground, and mourning the death of their infant children.
The mosaics in other parts of this bay have disappeared.
_The Outer Bay fronting the parecclesion_
In the eastern pendentive.--To the left (19) the healing of a paralytic; to the right (20) the healing of the man sick of the dropsy.
21. In the western pendentive.--To the left, the healing of another paralytic; to the right, Christ with the Samaritan woman at the well of Sychar; in the lunette, the ma.s.sacre of the Innocents at Bethlehem.