Volume I Part 27 (1/2)



H sent you yesterday a long account of the first perfor was satisfactory, and the reception such as I had reason to expect--decidedly warive to the parts of the Dutchnificance, and they were coed and crashed superbly, so that, in spite of the usual custom not to applaud on the fete-day of the Grand duchess, they clapped their hands and called ”Bravo!” with enthusias; and as soon as the five or six new engagements which I have proposed have beenone of the most excellent in Germany

Enclosed I send you the honorariu Dutchesar has also written to you yesterday At the perfor princely personages, strangers here, were present: the Duke of Coburg, the Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and his wife, Prince Charles of Prussia, the Hereditary Prince of Meiningen and his wife, Princess Charlotte of Prussia, the son of the Prince of Prussia, heir-presumptive to the throne, the Prince of Sondershausen; also several ael, and Prince Pukler-Muskau

In a feeeks the King of Saxony is expected here

Write to ive to the ”Tannhauser”

rin” procession (E flat, Act II), which I have arranged for H for drawing-room use H has forwarded you two letters: one from Count Tichkiewitz, who is said to be a passionate adenius (he wrote to rin” article a very enthusiastic letter, and has now caused the ”Tannhauser” overture to be played at Posen; his faher aristocracy of Poland); the other letter, from S in H, Ito influence your decision in this matter

I made the acquaintance of S in Weymar in a very casual manner and so on

I call your special attention to the postscript with regard to Gotha which H has added to his letter of yesterday bythe details of thisfurther will come of it In any case I ask you, if they should apply to you direct froive me exclusive power to carry on this little transaction, without troubling you with it

My most cordial thanks to you, best of friends, for all the pleasure your ”Dutchives me; this summer ill have another chat about it Write soon to

Your faithful


WEYMAR, February 18th, 1853



I have just received the incredible news froer that, after the censorshi+p had authorized the performance of ”Tannhauser”, pere, in other words that the opera was forbidden There must surely be some personal stupidity at work here I should like to assist theit over, I hit--as I always do when there is need--on you You have influence everywhere, and, as far as I know, can say a word to some very influential persons at Vienna Kindly consider to whom you could apply, so as to win over some one ould interest himself in the withdrawal of this absurd prohibition If it is not too e this also for s Adieu, dearest! Shall I soon hear from you?



February 19th, 1853

At Riga, in Russia, the performance has been permitted


You are truly a wonderful en” poe which you have ever done As soon as the three perforrin” are over I shall lock myself in for a few days to read the four poeet a free hour for it Excusemore today than that I rejoice in the joy which the printed copies have given to you

The one intended for the Grand duchess I have presented to her, and that for the Princess of Prussia I have given to her brother, the Hereditary Grand Duke The others also have been forwarded to their respective owners If it is possible, send ood use of them