Volume I Part 26 (1/2)
I ary withof ”Tannhauser”
Of course he cannot understand e that about the close of the overture to the ”Flying Dutchman” In case the one score should have been lost (a rather serious loss to me), let Fischer know, and he will send the new close to you; but do not give the overture without this change
Herewith I send you another alteration; you will see where it belongs The effect of the brass and the kettledrums was too coarse, too material; the spectator should be terror-struck by the cry of Senta on seeing the Dutchman, not by kettledrum and brass God bless you You will soon have news froain
Farewell, and remember kindly your
ZURICH January 13th, 1853
I cannot thank you for yourit with the deepest, most heartfelt joy You are best able to feel yourself hoas affected by the receipt of your splendid presents, how I greeted the three scores with plentiful tears The Florentines carried the Madonna of Ciing of bells I wish it were given to e a similar festival for your works In the meantime the three scores will repose in a particular niche near me; and when I come to see you, I will tell you more
First of all, the three works es in the score of the ”Flying Dutchman”
have been carefully copied into the parts, and I shall not forget the pizzicato you sent last
[A musical score illustration appears here]
Tichatschek has accepted Zigesar's offer, but Luttichau cannot give him leave for the end of February In consequence we rin” and ”Tannhauser” Brendel and some other papers will probably notice these perforreat difficulties to our well-drilled artists, and I look forward to a better perfor, than of either ”Tannhauser” or ”Lohengrin” The latter, however, goes much better than at the four first performances, and upon the whole one need not be dissatisfied By the ed tenor, Dr Lieber, will arrive here, and I shall not fail to study the three parts properly with hi them to him I hear that he has a splendid voice and the best intention to join in our movement
Till the end of May Ito see you again The wedding festivities for the hter of Duke Bernhard, brother of our Grand Duke) with Prince Henry of the Netherlands (brother of the reigning King of Holland and of our Hereditary Grand duchess) are to take place in May, when probably ”Lohengrin” or ”Tannhauser”
will be given again, besides a grand orchestral concert in the hall of the castle
The honorariu Dutchman” you will receive immediately after the first performance (about February 20th)
How about Berlin? Has Hulsen replied to your last letter, and to what effect? In case the whole matter is settled, as you indicate to me, you may wholly rely and count upon me Your annoyance at the delay of the performance of ”Tannhauser” is quite co back the score Whether they will comply with your demand is a different question We must now see hoe can achieve our purpose in the quietest and safest manner I need not repeat to you that I desire with all my heart to justify the honour of your confidence, but I earnestly hope that I shall be able to prove this practically as soon as possible Once more I thank you with all my soul, and remain immutably
Your sincerely devoted
WEYMAR, January 23rd, 1853
Herewith you receive a whole heap of new stuff You perceive that h not yet set to music, at least set in type, and printed at my own expense, and in a few copies only, which I shall present to acy in advance in case I should die during the work He who knows ant in the face of this luxurious edition; let it be so; the world, properly so called, is so stingy towards me, that I do not care to imitate it Therefore, with a kind of anxious pleasure, I have secretly (in order not to be prevented by prudent counsel) prepared this edition the particular tendency of which you will find stated in an introductory notice Only a few copies have been struck off, and I send you herewith a parcel of theyou must accept the first as a present from me The second I have destined for the Grand duchess on her birthday