Volume I Part 17 (1/2)

What do you think? Can I expect this of them? This, in my opinion, is a nobility of conduct which makes me feel ashamed I should alrin”

on condition that they engrave the full score of endered and should like to give to the world, is naturally even nearer to er and healthier than he

If the H's publish the score of ”Lohengrin”, it may be assumed to a certainty that the sale will be so s of the full score of ”Young Siegfried”; and this latter is of course of reater importance to me What do you think? Advise fried” and give up ”Lohengrin”

instead? To get both appears almost impossible to me Advise er; I as

Farewell, and write to me how you are and whether I shall see you Are you well? Greet the Princess! Farewell



ENGE, ZURICH, June 29th, 1851



The news of the happy birth of ”Siegfried” pleasesme know at once How I should like to hear you read it and to visit you at Zurich! But, alas! this year it is quite impossible for me to think of any journey whatever At the end of this month I hope that the health of the Princess will allow her to start; and in order to , we shall return slowly by Dusseldorf, Cologne, Frankfort, and Eisenach You, dear friend, must need rest and a little country life after the completion of your work Please do not trouble yourself on fried”; you will send it me on occasion later on at Weymar, where, locked up, still reret, I have not been able to send you, not having the necessary keys at hand I have explained this to Uhlig If he is with you, remember me kindly to hience

The Hartels are quite comme il faut in their personal and business relations Dr Hartel cahted to hear that his impression has been confirmed by an imprimatur As you ask my advice about what you had better do, accept his proposition or hold it over till ”Siegfried”, so as to make him publish the score of a neork for you, I have no hesitation in saying that, for all manner of reasons, I should think it preferable to publish now only the pianoforte score of ”Lohengrin”, and to ements with Hartel that the pianoforte score and full score of ”Siegfried”

should appear soon after the Weymar performance, which probably, and at the latest, will take place in February, 1853, for the fete of HRH the Grand duchess ”Lohengrin” will lose nothing by waiting chez nous

As I wrote to you before, it will take solorious work meets with the shich are to draw its barque to the banks of the Spree and the Elbe Ganders and turkeys would like to lead it to shi+pwreck, but do not lose patience, and have confidence in the e which your friend places loyally at your service and disposal In the early days of August rin et Tannhauser” will appear; it ritten for a purpose which neither you nor your friends have hitherto been able to guess, and which it will takeof that attainment, but shall not let you know till the moment of success, in order to avoid unnecessary words--a habit which is growing upon me more and more If you follow my advice, dear friend, write to H in the sense indicated by you; that is, ask hi of one of your full scores till after the first perforfried”, and to publish for the present only the pianoforte score of ”Lohengrin” Send to me here, please, if you possess them, the nu your and Uhlig's articles Heine in the saht it necessary to make some of his rhymed jokes at o I subscribed to that h my bookseller, but as yet it has not reached me

Farewell, dearest friend Believeable to attend the rendezvous which you propose, and which would have given ain and of having plenty of talk with you

Always rely upon your


EILSEN, July 3d, 1851



I had just coain has given reatest joy I thank you with ree with me as to Hartel's offer; I expected so ht sense in the fried” it is to be, then I feel as safe with you as a child in the mother's boso is here He has taken every trouble and h for a visit tohis cool, quiet, and passionless nature, the faithful attachreat value tomusician he attracted my attention in the Dresden orchestra by his unco struck by traits of unusual force of character and of a firm, manly disposition, I admitted him to intimate intercourse, and found a man who in the poorest circumstances had developed hiained a friend who subsequently from a distance made it the task of his life, as far as his power extended, to serveequal in both cases,--has been surpassed only by your brilliant genius

You wanted to have some numbers of the Deutsche Monatsschrift I happen to possess theh I do not quite see of what use they can be to you My book ”Oper und Drama,” in which I certainly expressthrough the press very slowly, and will probably not be ready before two months Out of this book I have, by special desire, communicated some articles about modern dramatic poetry to the Monatsschrift, but am now sorry for it, for, torn out of their context, they are not particularly clear I send theh I should alet the Monatsschrift, because it will be discontinued, I send you another nuer; it is written so prettily that I should als have appeared in that Monatsschrift that the detached good bits really deserve attention As to Heine's stupid joke you will probably not be in need of cofried”; he will deliver me once for all from all literature and journalism This month I require fully to recover my health in order to rush at the music next , if not sooner