Part 46 (1/2)
Suddenly a horseman galloped out of the forest's edge, drew bridle at the clearing, bent and examined the covered fire, struck his forehead, and stared around him.
The horseman was Walter Butler.
Astounded at the apparition, yet instantly aware of his purpose, I sprang forward to meet him. That he did not immediately know me in my forest dress was plain enough, for he hastened my steps with an angry and imperious gesture, flung himself from his saddle, laid down his rifle, and strode to the heap of ashes that had once been the council-fire of Thendara--now Thendara no more.
His face was still flushed with pa.s.sion when I came up, my rifle cradled in the hollow of my left arm; his distorted features worked silently as he pointed at the whitening ashes. Suddenly he burst out into a torrent of blasphemy.
”What in G.o.d's name does this mean?” he shouted. ”Have the Iroquois dared leave this fire before I've had my say?”
His rifle rested between him and me, barrel tilted across a rotting log, b.u.t.t in the wet marsh gra.s.s. I took a quick step forward and dislodged the weapon, as though by accident, so that it lay where I could set my foot upon it if necessary. Instantly he faced me, alert, menacing; his dusky eyes lighted to a yellow glare; but when his gaze met mine sheer astonishment held him dumb.
”Captain Butler,” I said, controlling the fierce quiver in my voice, ”it is not this dead council-fire of Thendara that concerns a Yellow Wolf-whelp.”
”No,” he said, drawing a long breath, ”it is not this fire that concerns us--” The voice died in his throat. Astonishment still dominated; he stared and stared. Then a ghastly laugh stretched his features--a soundless, terrible laugh.
”So you have come to Thendara after all!” he said. ”In your fringes and thrums and capes and bead-work I did not know you, Mr. Renault, nor did I understand that Gretna Green is sometimes spelled Thendara!” He pointed at the ashes; an evil laugh stretched his mouth again:
”Thendara _was_! Thendara _will be_! Thendara--Thendara no more! And I am too late?”
The evil, silent laugh grew terrible: ”Well, Mr. Renault, I had business elsewhere; yet, had I known you had taken to forest-running, I would have come to meet you at Thendara. However, I think there is still time to arrange one or two small differences of opinion that have arisen between you and me.”
”There is still time,” I said slowly.
He cast an involuntary glance at his rifle; made the slightest motion; hesitated, looking hard at me. I shook my head.
”_Not_ that way?” he inquired blandly. ”Well,” with a cool shrug, ”that was _one_ way to arrange matters, Mr. Renault--and remember I offered it! Remember that, Mr. Renault, when men speak of you as they speak of Boyd!”
The monstrous insult of the menace left me outwardly unmoved; yet I wondered he had dared, seeing how helpless he must be did I but raise my rifle.
”Well, Mr. Renault,” he sneered, ”I was right, it seems, concerning that sc.r.a.p o' treason unearthed in your chambers. G.o.d! how you flouted that beast, Sir Henry, and his fat-headed adjutant!”
He studied me coldly: ”Do you mean to let me have my rifle?”
”Oh! you mean murder?”
”I am no executioner,” I said contemptuously. ”There are those a-plenty who will paint black for a guinea--after a court martial. There are those who _paint for war_, too, Mr. Butler.”
I talked to gain time; and, curiously enough, he seemed to aid me, being in nowise anxious to force my hand. Ah! I should have been suspicious at that--I realized it soon enough--yet the Iroquois, leaving Thendara for the rites at the Great Tree, were not yet out of sound of a shout, or of a rifle-shot--though I meant to take him alive, if that were possible. And all the while I watched his every careless gesture, every movement, every flutter of his insolent eyelids, ready to set foot upon his rifle and hold him to the spot. He no longer appeared to occupy himself with the recovery of his rifle; he wore neither pistol nor knife nor hatchet; indeed, in his belt I saw a roll of paper, closely scribbled, and knew it to be a speech composed for delivery at this fire, now burned out forever.
He placed his hands on his hips, pacing to and fro the distance between the fire and the edge of the Dead Water, now looking thoughtfully up into the blue sky, now lost in reverie. And every moment, I believed, was a precious moment gained, separating him more and more hopelessly from his favorite Senecas, whom he might even now summon by a shout.
Presently he halted, with an absent, upward glance, then his gaze reverted to me; he drew out a handsome gold watch, examined it with expressionless interest, and slowly returned it to the fob-pocket.