Part 21 (1/2)
”Well, I wouldn't mind a little more education,” said Chet, bluntly.
”I'll be pleased to teach you, my boy. I was once a schoolmaster--although that was years ago.”
”Professor, do you really think we'll reach the Pole?” asked Andy, earnestly.
”I do not think; I hope. Many have tried and failed, but I believe the Pole will be gained some day, and we'll have an excellent chance of success. Mr. Dawson is a wonderful man--he seems more wonderful every time I talk to him. He is fitting up his s.h.i.+p with the greatest possible care and forethought, and has made a deep study of polar conditions.
Besides, he has had practical experience on the fields of ice and snow, and knows just what to expect in the way of hards.h.i.+ps.”
The run to Rathley was made in less than two hours. It had been decided that the party should put up at a hotel for a few days, until some painting on board the _Ice King_ was finished. Then they were to go aboard and make themselves at home as best they could until the day set for the departure.
They reached the hotel in the evening, and that night all slept soundly.
In the morning, after breakfast, Chet suggested they walk down to the steamer and see how the painting was progressing.
”Hark!” cried Andy, when they were within two blocks of the wharf. ”What is that man crying?”
”Fire! fire! fire!” yelled the individual in question, as he came rus.h.i.+ng up the street.
”Where is it?” asked Andy and Chet in a breath.
”Down at the dock! A steamer is on fire!”
”A steamer!” exclaimed Professor Jeffer. ”Can it be the _Ice King_?”
”Oh, I hope not!” burst out Andy, and then he set off on a run, with Chet by his side, and the professor following more slowly.
”She is doomed! There goes our chance to reach the North Pole!”
Such were the words that escaped from Chet's lips, as he and Andy came out on the dock where the _Ice King_ was tied up.
Before them lay the two-masted steamer, with a thick volume of smoke rolling up from her main hatchway. The fire alarm was sounding, and men and boys were running to the scene of action.
”What a catastrophe!” The words came from Professor Jeffer. He was almost out of breath from running. ”I hope they can save her!”
”Wonder what is burning?” queried Andy. He, too, felt his heart sink within him.
”Can of benzine exploded,” answered a man standing near. ”The painters had it, and one of 'em dropped a lighted match on the can.”
”He ought to be blown up with it,” fumed Chet. ”Who ever heard of such carelessness!”
There was the tooting of a whistle, and a fire engine came das.h.i.+ng down the street, followed by a hose cart and a hook and ladder company. In the meantime, Captain Williamson had sounded the alarm on the s.h.i.+p, and set some men to work at a hand pump, for the engineer had no steam in the boilers.
”Can we do anything, Captain?” asked Andy, as he ran up the gangplank.
”I don't know,” was the short answer. ”Might help at the pump, or help carry buckets of water. If we had the engine going we'd soon get a good stream on that blaze, but we didn't look for anything like this.”