Part 20 (1/2)
”I'll not believe father is dead until I see the proofs,” he told his chum. ”He may have been cast away on the coast of Greenland, and been unable to find a s.h.i.+p to bring him back home.”
”Let us hope that is true,” answered Andy. ”And let us hope that he gets back soon.” But though Andy spoke thus, he had small expectations of ever seeing Mr. Greene alive.
”I expect Professor Jeffer down tomorrow,” said Barwell Dawson, one morning after reading his mail. ”As soon as he comes we'll run up the coast to where the _Ice King_ is being fitted out.”
The weather had cleared off warm, and the snow was fast vanis.h.i.+ng. The professor arrived on time, and was full of enthusiasm concerning the proposed trip to the north.
”I wish we were sure of going,” said Andy, to him, and then told of what had been said to Mr. Dawson.
”I like you lads very much,” returned the old scientist. ”I hope Mr.
Dawson sees fit to take you along.”
”Perhaps you can put in a good word for us,” suggested Chet.
”I'll do it,” was the prompt answer.
Professor Jeffer was as good as his word, and that evening he and Barwell Dawson had a long talk concerning the boys. The hunter and explorer could not help but smile at Upham Jeffer's enthusiasm.
”Well, if you are on their side too, I'll surely have to take them,” he said at length. ”But it is a risky thing to do--they are not men, remember.”
”They will stand the trip as well as though they were men,” was the professor's answer. ”They are in the best of health, and full of vigor.
Besides, it is well to have the enthusiasm of youth with us. It may help to cheer up many a lonely hour.”
”I like the idea of their being without close family connections, Professor. I hate to take a man away from those near and dear to him.”
”True, sir, true--especially when it is not actually necessary. Yes, I'd take the boys by all means. I do not think you'll regret it. Of course, though, each will have to have a complete outfit.”
”You can trust me to get the best there is.”
When Andy and Chet heard the good news they could scarcely contain themselves. Andy danced a jig right in the hotel room, while both lads had to shake Barwell Dawson by the hand several times, and then they shook hands with Professor Jeffer, too.
”It makes me feel just as if we were one big family,” cried Andy, enthusiastically. ”Oh, Chet, just to think of it! We'll hunt musk oxen, and polar bears, and seals, and walruses! And go clear to the Pole, too!”
”And travel on dog sledges,” put in Chet. ”Say, I'm ready to go this minute!”
”So am I! Mr. Dawson, you can't start any too soon for us.”
”Well, boys, don't be too enthusiastic. Remember, this is going to be no child's play--trying to get to the North Pole. And we won't try to reach that point at all unless, when we get into the Arctic regions, we find the conditions more or less favorable. You must remember that many brave and vigorous men have tried to reach the Pole and have failed. There are immense fields of ice and snow to cross, and 'leads' or rivers of icy water. And if you lose your supplies, there remains nothing to do but to starve.”
Nevertheless, even though he spoke thus, Barwell Dawson was secretly as hopeful as were the boys. Could he have seen what was before him, his enthusiasm might have quickly died within him.
Now that it had been settled that they could go, the two boys were eager to see the vessel which was to be their home during the coming summer and winter. The _Ice King_ was being fitted out at the seaport town of Rathley, and they took the train for the place, arriving there about noon. The vessel was tied up at the dock, and the lads and Professor Jeffer were invited by Mr. Dawson to come on board.
”I'll introduce you to Captain Williamson,” said the hunter. ”He is in charge of the repairs that are being made. He is a fine man, and I know you will like him.”
The captain proved to be a bluff and hearty old salt, who had at one time commanded a whaler. He shook hands with a grip that made Andy and Chet wince, and looked them over with a twinkle in his eye.
”So you are going to try to hunt polar bears and such, eh?” he said.
”Well, you look out that the bears don't eat you up,” and he laughed broadly.