Part 38 (2/2)

MR. BERST: How about corn cobs?

MR. JAY SMITH: How about anything in the street, leaves?

DR. ANTHONY: Anything like that, whether it's oak or maple. One goes down as quickly as the other.

MR. CORSAN: On the way down here I called in to see Rodale, and we found him in a ma.s.s of brewer's hops and ground up corn cobs. He had them in the chicken house, and you know how a chicken house smells. He had no smell in the chicken house. We looked all through his place, and we saw another big pile of furs, mink, and such tr.i.m.m.i.n.g off of them, a big pile about that high (indicating), and that will go down. He had everything under the sun in the way of mulch, but corn cobs ground up fine was the chief one in sight.

Personally, I like to grow the mulch on the land right there. We can grow it--up to 10 ton of green mulch to the acre. I have done it many, many times. You have something there that goes down quickly. The very growing of that through the latter part of the summer also uses the nitrogen and hardens up your trees. Then we turn it down and within two to three weeks we have it reseeded, and so we are growing a constant supply in the soil-itself. You get the same effect as hauling in your mulch. It's cheaper, usually, and you get, I think, a little bit better control. Your mulches are not dry, they are turned under when--well, it's crimson clover in the red, right in the blossom. They go down very quickly. We leave as much as possible on the surface. I think it's a little cheaper and a little more satisfactory control. I put them on quite green. I find they rot much quicker.

MR. CHASE: I will now turn the gavel back to Dr. MacDaniels, who will take over.

DR. MacDANIELS: Thank you, very much, Mr. Chase.

Perhaps we had better take a 10-minute recess.

(Whereupon, a short recess was taken.)

Nominating Committee Elected

DR. MacDANIELS: We will proceed with the election of a nominating committee. That committee is elected. It is a committee of three, and the nominations come from the floor. The present nominating committee is Mr. Stoke, Mr. Sylvester Shessler, and Mr. Sterling Smith. Now, I guess it is a good plan to change the nominating committee, and I think we ought to have regional representation. I think that is important. Does anybody have a nomination? Say we start in the Middle West.

A MEMBER: Mr. Silvis.

DR. MacDANIELS: He will take it. That's middle. Another nomination from the farther west.

MR. CHASE: Mr. Chairman, I nominate Dr. Crane.

DR. MacDANIELS: That would be South Atlantic.

MR. WEBER: I nominate Mr. Chase.

DR. MacDANIELS: Do you wish to nominate more than three and have a ballot?

MR. FRYE: I move nominations be closed.

DR. MacDANIELS: Nominations closed. Do you move to have the secretary cast a unanimous ballot?

DR. McKAY: So move, Mr. Chairman.

MR. WEBER: Proceed with the election.

DR. MacDANIELS: The motion is that nominations be closed and the secretary be instructed to cast a ballot for the slate as nominated. Any further discussion? If not, all in favor say ”aye.”

(A vote was taken on the motion, and it was carried unanimously.)

DR. MacDANIELS: Carried.
