Part 39 (1/2)


DR. MacDANIELS: Is the Resolutions Committee here? Mr. Allaman, I believe you are president of the Pennsylvania group, are you not?


”In the pa.s.sing of Clarence A. Reed, who was a nut culturist of the United States Department of Agriculture, we not only lost a friend in the experimental field, but also a dear personal friend. Mr. Reed was keenly interested in all phases of nut culture, devoting practically his entire life to this work. We are more deeply indebted to him than can be expressed. Paraphrasing what Lincoln said of the dead soldiers at Gettysburg, it remains for us to continue the effort and build upon the foundation to which he so largely contributed.

”Therefore, be it resolved that the secretary of this a.s.sociation spread upon the record this resolution and send a copy to Mrs. Reed.”

DR. MacDANIELS: You have heard this resolution. I think it would be appropriate we move to accept and adopt this by a rising vote.

(Whereupon, a rising vote was taken.)

DR. MacDANIELS: There are two other resolutions Mr. Allaman will read.

MR. ALLAMAN: ”The Northern Nut Growers a.s.sociation in its forty-first meeting expresses its appreciation for the fine accomodations for its meeting place supplied by Post No. 739 of the American Legion. The a.s.sociation also desires to compliment the Post on its foresight in providing this community with such a satisfactory meeting place.

”May it therefore be resolved that the secretary spread this upon the minutes and send a copy to the Legion.”

Another resolution: ”We, the members of the Northern Nut Growers a.s.sociation, express our keen appreciation of the very efficient services of Mrs. Stephen Bernath and Gilbert L. Smith and others for their splendid accommodations at this convention.”

DR. MacDANIELS: These two resolutions, do you wish to accept them or adopt them together?

DR. CRANE: Move that they be adopted as a whole.

DR. MacDANIELS: Moved that they be adopted together. Any discussion? If not, all in favor say ”aye.”

(Whereupon, a vote was taken on the motion, and it was carried unanimously.)

DR. MacDANIELS: Pa.s.sed without dissent.

Are there other resolutions anyone has from the floor?

(No response.)

Report of Auditing Committee

DR. MacDANIELS: The auditing committee's report.

MR. WEBER: I have it. ”We have found from our examination of the treasurer's records that his accounts are in proper balance and that the statement of his bank account, issued by his bank as of August 11, 1950, shows he had on deposit in the Erie County United Bank of Vermilion, Ohio, the sum of $2280.37. We feel our treasurer, Mr. Sterling A. Smith, has faithfully discharged his duties during the current year and recommend his continuance in that office, nomination for which has already, of course, taken place. Royal Oakes, Chairman, Auditing Committee.” (Applause.)

DR. MacDANIELS: It all sounds very legal. I think it's all right. I take it that applause indicates the acceptance of the report. Unless I hear dissent, we will take that to be so.

DR. CRANE: Move the report of the Auditing Committee be accepted.

DR. MacDANIELS: O.K., we will make it legal. Who will second the motion?

MR. STOKE: Second.