128 Shady Dealings Part 1 (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 29230K 2022-07-22

Twilight's Academy, Delmar City

In District 0 where only official Mages, cultivators, and those associated with them are allowed to purchase property and live stands the Twilight Academy. Twilight Academy was build to nurture the most promising apprentice mages from various clans associated with Delmar City.

Inside of its magnificent walls rich with history Linda was standing alone in a grand hallway that had jewel-encrusted chandeliers and a velvet rug covering the floor. Linda knocked on the door in front of her and waited for a reply from the person in the room.

The dorm room she knocked on belong to Ferrise. Him and Linda had recently come back from there hunting trip and each took the time take care of their own business. Ferrise immediately parted with Linda tend to his wounds, but after he got back all he could do was stabilize himself and not regrow the pound of flesh Krug shot off of him.

Most of the students who supply the means to do so had taken missions far away from Delmar City to escape the war. The ones who were still left already sold out all their Goods to trade. The war has severely limited his options. Before healing such a wound would have been no trouble at all so long as he had the money. But now you needed more then money to get what you want. The wound wasn't life threatening but it was a glaring weak point that he did not want to leave unattended.

When Ferrise heard knocking on his door he stopped tending to his wound to open it. Once you Ferrise saw it was only Linda he let her in.

”So, did you find someone that had what I need?”. Ferrise hoped for good new, but received the worst new possible for him do hear.

”I found out that there was someone that recently still had what you needed, but a problem arose before I could acquire it”.

”What kind of problem?”.

Linda took a second and cautiously replied, ”the Maverick kind”

Once the word Maverick slipped threw Linda's mouth Ferrise lost his cool and broke the chair he was next to along with some other things in the room. Howell Maverick is an advanced apprentice just like Ferrise and linda who has almost reached the peak of apprentice grade, but unlike them in the school he is well known for being cold hearted and manipulative. He has tormented many other students at the academy by abusing the school rules to the maximum.

Many students have confronted maverick before of which none have ended well. If you bother Maverick to much he will find an excuse to out right kill you in front of everyone or make you suffer a humiliation worse then death. Jasper was living proof of what could happen to someone when they cross paths with Maverick.

During a tournament at Twilight Academy Maverick had the honor of facing Maverick. The second it started Maverick unleashed a hail storm of attacks that gave him an opening to cut Jasper's throat. Because of the rules set in place the only way that the battle would stop was if the opponent gave up, was out of bounds, or if the the opponent was unconscious.

Maverick purposly slit Jasper's throat to remove on of his options and because he had plenty of ways to keep Jasper alive and conscious. The battle didn't end till every inch of the stage was covered in Jasper's blood. After the match ended everyone else was forced to continue the match on the blood stained ring. No one wanted to challenge Maverick after that except a few easily winning him the tournament.

”What did he do this time?”.

Ferrise knew when Maverick's name was attached to something that it wasn't going to be good so he braced himself for what Linda was going to say next.