127 Eye For An Eye (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 48030K 2022-07-22

District-C, Welter Street, Delmar city

A man who is tired is the best way to the best way to describe Roberts personality. He's tired of paying his insanely high bills every month. He's to tired after work and assisting The Purifiers to be a better father to his wife, son and daughter. But above all he's tired of the treatment mortals receive from mages and cultivator's.

That trait of his affected every aspect of his being all the way from the way he talks to the way he walks. He is a man who gives off an aura of someone who has been drained of all he had, but in the end he still works as hard as ever. Robert gave everything he could to ensure a better future for his family and he would give more if he could to make sure they got to see a better tomorrow.

In an average apartment the smell of an almost finished dinner filled the room. While the panicked steps of a home wife thumped on the floors with much vigor. She searched threw ever cabinet including the fridge, but couldn't find what she was looking for.

”Robert were's the chocolate I thought I saw it here not long ago?”. Daisy said with a perplexed look on her face.

Robert was sitting on the couch in the living room watching T.V. He had just finished eating the last bit of chocolate in the house when his wife suddenly called out to him. A ting of fear filled his heart, but he had been married a long time and knew just what to say to escape with his life safely.

”I saw Dash eat the last of it a litte while ago”. In times of crisis it is a fathers right to sacrifice his own hid to his mother to save himself.

”What, I'm trying to cook us a nice dinner before the war with the elves starts and were all forced to stay underground. All flights on the Nimbus have been taken and the stargate is to expensive for all of us to use. How in the world am I going to make this meal perfect without desert?”. Daisy was very up set she had worked hard to make the perfect meal and her kid ruined it.

”You don't have to worry about it its just chocolate i'll go to the store right now and get some”.

”Also pick up milk why your there I just realized were almost out”.


As Robert hurried his way out the door to safety his 12 year old son along with his teen daughter walked thew the door.

”Dad, were are you going”. Dash said in a sweet tone. While his daughter ignored him as all teen do.

Robert after seeing Dash had a wonderful Idea. Robert bent down and placed his hand on his Kids shoulder then said to him.

”Your mom's been cooking all day I'm going down to the store to help, but you have to do your part as well. So, take this and go help your mom”.

Robert then handed Dash the evidence and quickly made his escape, before he was dragged into things as well.


At a department store Robert exited with a few groceries that he needed and a pack of cigarettes as a reward for his brilliant planning. He was enjoying his reward when someone he Knew passed by him.

”Gresham what are you doing here you don't live near here?”. Robert said with a joyfully, it was always a nice sight to a familiar face on the streets especially one you got along with.

Gresham had a look of surprise on his face he wasn't expecting Robert to be there. ”Robert I wasn't expecting to see you here either. It really is a small world”.

”It is, so are you grocery shopping as well?”.

”No, i've been assigned to help fix up a new base ever since the last one, well you known went boom”.

”I thought everyone was hiding ever since what happened, but its nice to know there are people still out there working. So, were is the new place?”

”Its not far from here its only a few block away. Hay, since were about to announce the location mind helping me shop and carry some things back there”.

Robert felt Gresham's request was kind of sudden, but it wasn't difficult, so he agreed.

”Sure I'll help I need to make sure my wife has time to cool down after what I did anyway”.

”That's greet there's a place that sells the tools I need across the street lets go”.


Once Gresham and Robert arrived inside the other store Gresham began picking out the tools he needed while remembering to always be mindful and always get Roberts opinion on things.

”Hay Robert which tool do you think will be the best for pulling out nails”. Gresham whole heartedly wanted Robert's opinion he wanted to use only the best tools he had available.

”obviously that hammer over there”.

”Yes, typically I would agree with you, but these nails are a bit harder to remove. I was thinking about using pliers, yet then again Its probably safer to get both just in case”.

Gresham continued to brows the store until he found the safety equipment he was looking for.

”How many feet of chains do you recommend to tie down something thats about this big”.

”I would say 6 feet, but you should always get a little more just to have some wiggle room”.

”Thank's for the tip, but I'm not so sure about the locks they sell here. I'm gonna go see if these are really the best heavy duty locks they sell here. Do you mind seeing if they sell any saws good enough to cut threw metal and first aid kits”. Gresham asked Robert kindly with a wide smile on his face.

”Sure I'll get right on it”.


By the time Gresham and Robert finished shopping they had filled up two carts full of thing. Gresham had Robert help him borrow (steal) a few carts from the grocery store nearby just to carry everything.

”Jeez, Gresham didn't you say the place was almost done why do you still need, so much stuff”. Robert looked down at all the things he helped Gresham buy and felt awkward pushing everything down the street. Gresham bought a blowtorch, a bunch of different knives, barbwire, even a mini battery.

”I was just as shocked when Jerry gave me the list, but it turned out he's just sending most of this stuf to other places. Were trying to get everything set up right before the war starts, so you can see the urgency for everything. The war's got everyone doing what ever they can to stay safe.

I've doing everything I can to protect myself as well, but I've had little luck getting the things I need. All the places I usually go to buy magic equipment have had all there good stuff sold. Hay, Robert you wouldn't know about any mid level black maket trade groups would you”. Gresham had a desperate look on his face he was truly desperate to find a decent black maket trade group.