124 Big Brain Little Brain part 6 (2/2)
”Damb it how did he find Jasper? This is turning out to be a bad day Jasper was suppose to carry most of the stuff”.
Ferrise didn't care about Jasper's death apprentices die all the time in Clover Forest there partnership was only a matter of benefits. With Jasper dead it ment a larger share of the loot and less competition its a win-win scenario for Ferrise and Linda.
Krug killed Jasper he couldn't hold on any longer and dropped to his Knees in tears.
”It hurts make it stop I beg of you make it stop”.
Pleaded to the sword while Ferrise and Linda watched.
”What's he doing Ferrise?”.
”Who cares he's wide open lets gust kill him and take the loot”.
As Linda and Ferrise were about to strike again the sword in Krug's hands shook vigorously and released multiple shock waves that collided with them. Each wave that struck them made them cough up blood.
”Shit Ferrise this is bad that sword can directly damage a persons soul we have to get out of here”
Linda uttered frantically. Her body shivered and blood dripped from here eyes and nose. Ferrise wasn't doing any better than her despite not being the target of the sword's attack Ferrise was about ready to keel over.
”You don't think I see that that dumb orc must have picked up a sword with runes that were to degraded to repair and used it like a fool. Its going to kill him and us if we stay here any longer, so climb onto my back”.
Linda didn't dally she lached onto Ferrise's back and both of them darted out of the cavern as fast as they could. Despite danger Ferrise wasn't leaving empty handed he summoned a large number of crows and had them carry the rockworm's body away.
Alone in the cavern pleaded once more. ”I beg of you please please stop it hurts to much”.
The sword hadn't damaged Krug's soul like Ferrise's suspected it had instead done considerable mental damage to Krug. Krug had no Idea how to fight against such attacks Krug punched the sword and bashed it on the ground with no success. Krug even tried smashing his own head against the sword repeatedly to give the sword a tast of its own medicine, but it only made Krug's head hurt more.
The sword in Krug's hand was Just like Desmond, but unlike him it didn't have any luck in finding a body and accidentally fused with the sword in Krug's hands. Ever since Krug showed up it was overjoyed because it hadn't seen intelligent people in years. It found hope in Krug, but above all it found its new body.
It Vibrated and made all Kinds of noise to attract anyone enough to pick it up, but to no advail everyone was to focused on killing each other to notice the sword. It could barely move by its self when the ground cracked it saw its chance and used all it had it stab Krug's body in order to force Krug to pick it up.
Ever since then it has been trying to claim Krug's body but to no advail. It could only barely control Krug's body, but in the end Krug always regained control. Not wanting to be left alone in the wild to rot it had no choice but to compromise.
”Submit to me” those word echoed in Krug's head and without hesitation Krug submitted to the sword.
With tears in his eyes Krug said ”You are strong stronger then Krug. Krug submit to soft skin shape club, shap club makes rules now”. Following the strongest was a natural thing in orc society, so Krug felt no shame in submitting to the sword.
Once Krug submitted it stopped trying to steal Krug's body.
”What is your name strange thing”.
”Krug's name is Krug”.
”Ok, then can you tell me where I am Krug”
”Sharp club underground Krug underground as well, fell threw hole we did”.
The sword found the creature before it strange and to dumb to talk to.
”I ment whats the name of the planet were on?”
”World called Theotera it is home of orcs”
”What is an orc?”.
”Krug is orc”
”Ok, you are an orc but what is an orc”.
”Krug is orc”
The two spent less than two minutes talking, but the sword already found Krug irritable. Moving on from that dead end question the sword asked Krug.
”What were things you fought”.
”Those were soft skins”.
”What are ...” the sword stopped its self from asking another dead end question and ask something else.
”What am I?”
”You are sharp club soft skins make you, but orc make better sharp club”.
The sword took Krug's word with a grain of salt because it had to confirm everything its self.
”I wish to see the world do as I say from now on and in turn I will help you”.
”Sharp club stronger then Krug, so Krug follow. But sharp club have small brain, sharp club need big brain like Krug to servive. Krug follow but Krug make plans”.
”Thats fine lets just go”
”Not now Krug sleepy Krug sleep now”.
The injurys Krug suffered were severe Krug immediately fell unconscious with the sword tightly grasped in his hand. The sword shook as it tried to wake Krug up, but with no luck it could only wait for better days to come.