125 Seeking Equality (1/2)
District-B, Delmar City
It was early in the afternoon the streets were teaming with people going about there day. Drivers consistently honked there horns as they complained about the other incompetent drivers on the road. Similarly none were worried about the approaching war.
At a food stall by the road Eliot Row was enjoying the simplicity of life. He savored every bite of yeti meat he bought as it melted in his mouth and handed another serving of the same dish to a well dressed man standing next to him.
Randell took the serving of food Eliot gave him and ate some. Yeti meat was nothing special to Randell he wasn't even hungry he Just took it not to be rude.
”Is it to your liking?”. Eliot asked in a thoughtful and conserned tone.
Randell faced Eliot and said, ”Yes its quite good”.
”Thats excellent to her, now let us move on”.
Eliot and Randell walked down the street normally like they were two average people which was not what Randell expected when it was time for them to chat again.
”Eliot why are we meeting out in the open like this don't you people like to stay hidden”. Randell said as respectfully as he could to not cause problems latter.
Eliot raised up an eye brow as he looked at Randell strangely, ”You people you mean Secret Visage. Randell I assure you I'm nothing like them or anyone else you've seen before”.
Eliot said those words out loud which shock Randell because it ment Eliot did care who knew what the two were talking about or his Identity, but that didn't mean Randell wanted people to Know he was secretly conversing with a member of Secret Visage.
The Purifiers is a large organisation that is only big because it is made up of mostly normal people. They are united by there common hatred for mages and the like. The Purifiers are a thorn in mages side, but its a thorn mages and cultivators have to tolerate. To get rid of the purifiers someone would have to kill all mortals. Its an impossible act that will leed only to self destruction.
While Secret Visage is worse than any other Kind of known organisation to date they act without any known motive and seek only to cause destruction and chaos.
”Secret Visage trully is an insane group of people, so why the hell am I here?” Randell thought to himself”.
Randell soon got out of his head and snapped back to reality, ”I am sorry if I offended you”.
”Its alright, what I want to know now is your answer to my offer when we first met”.
”That offer of your is something that someone like myself can not give a reply to. I simply oversee matters in Delmar City I can not speak on behalf of everyone else. Even if I inform someone high up then me I can not guarantee that someone will give a response. I may even be let go just for talking to you”.
Eliot scoffed at Randell's reply, ”I do not need any kind of permission or your help, so there's no reason for me to speak to anyone higher up then you. What I plan to do will not change it will terrift those who you hate and satisfy the need of Secret Visage”.
”Yes, you've said it before you wish to bring 'equality', but how do you plan to do it and what definition of the word equality are you planning on using ours or Secret Visage's?. You can understand why I ask this its not like the organisation your in has the best reputation”. Randell asked questionly.
Eliot laughed and replied, ”It will be my own and when the time comes I hope you use the opportunity I give you well”.
As Eliot faced forward noticed he had arrived at his location and said, ”it looks like were here. Tell me do you wish to accompany me in or shall we part ways here.
Randell look at the place Eliot wanted to go to which put a frown on his face, ”why in the world are you going into the city guard's training camp arn't you afraid of being apprehended the moment you step in”.
”Of core not those people have no useful information about me and beside its not like I'm planning on causing any trouble. I'm just going there to meet someone who caught my eye. I've put our meeting off for far to long, so its time I met him”.
”Well your gonna have to go meet him alone. If I'm seen walking in with you it will be bad for me later on”.
”Then this is were we part ways. Till next time Mr. Roffe”.