123 Big Brain Little Brain Part 5 (1/1)

Unusual world Loyalscum 29470K 2022-07-22

The beating that the rockworm took from Ferrise and Linda severely damaged the rockworm's shell. Krug's uppercut caused a chain reaction that made large bits of its shell fall off. It wanted to burrow underground to hide, but Linda prevented it. Backed into a corner the rockworm did what any normal beast would do and lashed out.

The ground rocked back and forth as the rockworm attempted to save its life. The three mages not letting Krug actions get to them focused on what was important and prioritized the rockworm. Ferrise and Jasper switched rolls, Jasper went off to assist Linda while Ferrise went to go beat the shit out of Krug since he was just starting to fall down.

Up in the air Krug saw the whole battle field, but it was quickly blocked by a swarm of angry crows. Krug sneared at the pack of crows then took out his bow and nocked back a green arrow. The strong wind and constant decline in elevation made aiming hard. But luckily for Krug the crows were so clumped up together even the worst archer could hit the group of crows.

Once crug shot the arrow it flew far off from were he intended, but it still hit a large group of crows. Once the arrow got near that large group of crows it exploded into a large amount of sticky slime. The slime covered a bunch of crows making it impossible for them to fly. Those crows plummeted to the ground while others in the flock took there place.

Krug managed to shoot another arrow getting him the same result before the crows swarmed all over his body. The crows clawed deep into Krug's flesh and there wings were starting to slice him up. Before the crows managed to rip Krug's body apart Krug took all of the remaining arrows in his quiver in his right hand and detonate them all at once.

Krug and hundreds of crows lit up into a big ball of fire their bodies came raining down like meteors from the sky. Ferrise saw what Krug had done from the ground and felt no emotion for the crows that died. He had more and could easily replenish their numbers later. Ferrise was more focused on the opening Krug gave him.

Taking his chance Ferrise turned into a blur and charged straight towards Krug within moments Ferrise reached Krug's burning body and punched him in the ribs. Ferrise's punch made Krug's already broken ribs shatter even more. Krug coughed up black blood and had a twisted expression on his face as piece of bones dug into his gut.

Ferrise could feel Krug's broken bones as he dug his fist deep into Krug's body. After Ferrise found out Krug's weakness he didn't hold back. Ferrise let out a flurry of blows to Krug's face, and torso, but he mostly kept punching Krug's ribs. Normal Krug would have been able to resist Ferrise's attacks this time however Krug was in the air were Ferrise specialized in fighting. Ferrise's merciless attacks extinguished the flames on Krug's body and made him regret the moment his feet left the ground.

”You dumb orc you had that massive speed boost, but didn't use it right and flung yourself into the air. Now your at my mercy”.

Krug balled himself up to endure Ferrise's attacks, but he was finding it hard to hold on. Ferrise wasn't ever going to let Krug touch the floor easily and Krug's injurys were starting to effect him. Everything was turning blurry in Krug's eyes, but Krug was to stubborn to fall yet.

As Ferrise came in close for another blow Krug counter with a cross hook to Ferrise's face. Krug's left fist shined red as he used his skill [Rock Crushing Fist] during his counter. Ferrise saw what Krug was doing and didn't feel threatened by that technique. He nimbly dodged to Krug's right avoiding Krug's attack, grabbed Krug's left arm, kneed it shattering Krug's elbow, and then twisted it into an odd position. Krug knew full well that he wasn't going to be able to punch Ferrise he moved to nimbly in the air for that.

Krug only tried to punched Ferrise to line him up for his real attack which was the short double barrel enchanted shotgun pointed at Ferrise's gut. By the time Ferrise noticed the shotgun in Krug's other hand Krug had already pulled the trigger. The enchanted shotgun is much stronger than the other guns Desmond had used before. Each shotgun shell costs 50 magic crystals and when fired it can deal a gross amount of damage.

After Krug pulled the trigger he only saw Ferrise shocked face overcome by a blinding white light and heard the sound of roaring thunder assaulting his ears. The shot had a wide spread and covered everything in front of Krug. The Force of the shot sent Krug flying backwards until he landed hard on his back on to the ground.

Krug wasn't in a good state he suffered first and second degree burns on his body. His left arm was a contorted mess while right hand was used to hold the arrows that he detonated, so it looked worse than his left arm, but it was still usable. Five or six of Krug's ribs were broken and each dug into something they shouldn't. The wound on Krug's stomach was cauterized when he turned into a ball of flames, but the blood that did leak out from other places came out thick like sludge and left a stench in the air that reminded you of death. The rot leaf was doing its job by helping Krug keep on fighting, but it was also killing him.

As the ground vigorously rumble from the rockworm's desperate attempt to save its life Krug said to himself ”Do Krug die today? Does this mean Krug weak not strong, dumb like other dead things? If Krug die today that is fine. Krug die fighting stronger enemy, Krug die like true orc by fighting in battle”.

With a loud grunt Krug got up off the shaking ground and looked up. In the sky Krug saw Ferrise disheveled figure he managed to dodge out of the way in time to save his life, but not completely part of his right side was missing. He still had his arms, legs, and head, but bellow his ribs a large chunk of flesh was missing. Krug saw him chewing on a doll made of straw that he put into his mouth while stairing daggers at Krug. After he swallowed it large wings made of crows sprouted on Ferrise's back.

Ferrise instantly regenerated the crows Krug killed and sent them all directy at Krug. Because of the beating Krug took from Ferrise to much running arround would hurt Krug tremendously, so Krug stood his ground and used his only usable arm to fend of the tide of crows. Krug felt the crows weakness curse taking effect it made him sleepy, nauseous, tired, unfocused, and a lot of other things, but Krug pushed threw and attacked.

”Many Fist Crush Rock”

After Krug said that Krug's fist produced over 100 after images each of which launched forward with tremendous speed and strength. Each fist bore threw the swarm of birds just like Jesus parted the sea. It was a beautiful sight guts, blood, and bird parts rained down baptizing the cracking ground in gore.

The ground cracked under Krug's feet and kept spreading quickly until the entire battle ground cracked apart. The rockworm's desperate attempt to save its life had finally taken effect. As the ground cracked apart it began to collapse downward until it boke away entirely. A deep dark pit formed were everyone once stood that lead to a depth unknown.