122 Big Brain Little Brain Part 4 (1/2)
As the rock worm charged forward Krug turned completely towards the three mages who suddenly showed up and insulted him with a look of detest in his eye.
”You can not call Krug dumb Krug have big brain. Your eyes can not see, that makes you blind and dumb”.
Ferrise didn't take pay attention to Krughe didn't even care about killing Krug his focus was solely on obtaining the rock worm.
”Linda me and you will take down the rock worm. Jasper kill that stupid orc we need ever bit of money possible”.
Linda and Jasper gave Ferrise a simple nod once they received their tasks, but Ferrise's words words angered Krug.
”You try to steal bestie. Krug wont let you, bestie Krug's not yours”.
Krug's words fell on deaf ears Ferrise and his group didn't care their attention was mostly on the rock worm that caught up with Krug. The ground rumbled and softened beneath Krug's feet the rock worm's pressence turned the ground into a death trap. Krug fumble around a bit as the shifting ground kept him off balance while Ferrise and the other mages charged forward.
Ferrise and Linda ran past Krug towards the rock worm while Jasper collided with Krug. Wanted to stop Ferrise and Linda, but Jasper had his feet tied down with roots that suddenly popped up out of the ground.
Krug pulled his legs up with all his might breaking the roots that were holding him in place, but as that was happening another root burst out of the ground and drilled a hole into Krug's stomach. The gut wrenching pain was dulled by the rot leaf, but it still hurt Krug immensely. Krug seeing that his enemy was going to be tricky to fight Krug stopped holding back.
Krug grabbed the root that was rammed into his gut and ripped it out of the ground. Black blood spilled out like a river at first then slowed to a trickle. The rot leaf kept Krug from bleeding excessively allowing him to keep fighting in top condition. He then took a stance, balled up his fist while directing his energy to it, then punched forward while shouting the name of the technique.
”Fist crush rock [Rock crushing fist]”
Rock crushing fist is a basic technique, but it was also one Krug polished to perfection. Krug's fist turned a dark red from all the energy he put into it. When he punched out wards towards Jasper his fist turned into a blur that was followed by the sound of claping thunder. Krug's punch parted the ground leaving a clear pathway that lead directly towards Jasper.
Krug's attack was, so fast Jasper had no way of dodging. He was able to set up 3 layers of defense in time, but even those no match for Krug's punch. The root walls in front of Jasper crashed down weakly when Jasper looked down at himself in disbelief he saw a large gaping hole in his chest.
The sound of Krug's attack made Ferrise glance over.
”Don't bother focusing on whats going on over there Jasper's got it handle”. Said Linda as she bent down and pressed her hands on the floor gently.Linda was focusing her magic to counter the rock worm vortex giving Ferrise solid ground to stand on while he fought the rock worm.
Ferrise had already released his crows they swarmed the rock worm constantly. By using the birds tough iron like wings Ferrise could chip away at the rock worm's armor more efficiently than Krug. When the rock worm tried to burrow under ground Ferrise swiched out with Linda. She continuously fought the rock worm below ground until it was forced back up.
As Ferrise and Linda slowly beat the rock worm to death Jasper took the opportunity were Krug was paying attention to his falling body and struck. Another root aimed at Krug's heart shot out of the ground. Krug's senced the sudden attack he bent down and rolled away dodging it. When Krug arrived at his new position he felt two hands firmly clasped around his ankles.