121 Big Brain Little Brain Part 3 (1/2)
Like a war drum Krug's heart beat vigorously. He was excited about the tough opponent in front of him, but was also worried he would lose most of his equipment if he continued the fight.
As many thoughts crossed Krug's minds he said out loud, ”No, to much thinking make Krug axe weak. Axe weak then Krug weak”.
To many problems hurts Krug's head. Krug doesn't like when his head hurts because that showed weakness. Not wanting to be seen as weak Krug decided to simplify all of his problems.
”Krug not weak Krug strong. Kill bestie show Krug's strength”.
Krug no long cared about his equipment or sought to exchange words with the rock worm because his axe would do the talking for him. Both sides charged towards each other Krug held his mighty axe up high while the rock worm bared its teeth downward in an attempt to eat Krug whole. Krug dodge to the left when the rock worm came crashing down. The rock worm missed Krug narrowly it could now only burrow underground then come back for another shot at Krug.
As the rock worm burrowed underground Krug took the opportunity to land powerful blows on the rock worm's long body. Each hit chipped away a piece of the rock worm's armor, but was nothing serious to the rock worm. Krug didn't like tickling his enemy he wanted the rock worm to hurt.
So, Krug activated his axe's ability and waited for the rock worms return. The sound was muffled but Krug could hear the rock worm moving underground it wasn't attacking yet so Krug stayed patient with his axe that softly glowed and left a chill in the air. When Krug felt his feet rumble he knew that it was time. Without hesitation Krug lept away before the rock worm popped out of the ground were he once stood.
Once the rock worm burst out Krug swung his axe like a baseball player at the rock worm's head used his skill [Two axe] along with the enchantment on his axe to create a marvelous effect. In that moment the entire battle field turned white. Snow covered the tree tops while the ground and rock worm were encased in a thick layer of ice.
Krug axe has a freezing effect that Krug can greatly magnify with his skill [two axe]. But the feat Krug performed had drawbacks and limitations. Krug had to use an equal amount of energy equivalent to the feat he performed, the skill damaged the rune engravings on Krug's axe, and Krug can only enhance something he's familiar with. So, if Krug used a weapon that was attuned to darkness there was nothing Krug could do to improve it.
Krug looked at the frozen rock worm and gave it a devilish smile.
”Bestie to weak to challenge Krug. Krug strongest there is”.
As crug was enjoyinging his victory it soon came to an end. The ground beneath Krug's feet cracked and rumbled. The terrain was changing at a visible rate breaking all the ice on the ground and on the rock worm.
Krug had a bad feeling after witnessing the change that made made Krug run towards the trees as fast as he could. When Krug reached the safety of the trees he was happy he got there quickly because the entire ground turned into a swirling vortex that broke all of the ice and freed the rock worm. The rock worm was at the center of the vortex everywhere it went the vortex followed.
The ground was now to dangerous for Krug it heavily limited what he could do. The rock worm even more enraged then it was before quickly found Krug and charged at him. Krug seeing that the rock worm wanted to run him over made a strategic retreat. He move quickly but the rock worm was somehow even faster. No tree, rock, or passing beast slowed down the rock worm as it followed Krug everywere he went. After a short 10 minutes of resistance the rock worm fully caught up with Krug. It surrounded the tree Krug stood on inside the vortex of sand weakening the trees support making it fall down with Krug along with it.