97 New Gods or Old (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 27810K 2022-07-22

Gresham walked away next to the other purifiers then Peter started questioning Howard once more.

”Sorry for what happened, but since his actions were out of his control I hope you can forgive him”. Said peter in a calm tone.

”It's alright I'm no stranger to matters of this nature so, I won't hold it against him”.

Peter was thankful for Howard's understanding yet, it still didn't change a thing. He needed answers to the questions on everyone's minds.

”With that out of the way can you please tell me how you came across information pertaining to those gods you discovered”. Peter's burned with anticipation as he waited for the answer to leave his lips.

”It came to me in my dreams”. Howard's answer was short and simple, but it only raised more questions as Howard began to doubt everything Emerson claimed and what Howard was was going to say next.

”Knowledge about dozens of gods came to you in you're dreams so, in short, you're being manipulated by someone and yet, you don't even try to hide that fact”.

Howard snickered at Peter's deduction then said, ”We're all being manipulated by forces and beings our minds cannot even begin to comprehend. Though I can assure you my mind is my own, but my will is that of another”.

”There is no difference in what you said. If your will is not you're own then who's is it, who am I talking to, is it a mage?”. Peter was beings not to trust Howard, but he needed to know more before he made a decision.

”No, the things I know will make even those magi know fear, you are speaking to me and me alone”.

”Alright then if it's just you then why did you seek us out? You must know how dangerous trying to serve any deity is? The elves may still believe in the moon, but they don't worship any god or give the slightest bit of praise or recognition to any god associated with the moon. They believe the moon was their origin since they were created from a drop of water produced from it. If they stray from that path in the slightest they will be put on the magi's extermination list”.

Howard looked upon Peter's face with his unnerving eyes calmly replying, ”I didn't seek you out I found you by accident nor do I care what the magi think or do. My goal is to simply do as I have done before and worn the world So, that I can finally sleep”.

Peter was confused by Howard's statement the more he thought about it the less it made sense.

”I was told there was no record of any of your gods so, how could you have spread knowledge of them all over the world yet, there be no record of them”.

Howard didn't answer the questions he instead mumbled to himself fervently.

”Howard please answer me”.

Howard continued to mumble to himself, but Peter was able to pick up a few words that he said.

”I saved them ... Tried to save ... Listen ... Mistaken ... I disobeyed again ... Won't ... I failed ... It's what they wanted ... Must try ... Repeat ... It's what they want”.

Tears began to stream from Howard's eyes and drip on the floor. Seeing that question got him no were Peter moved on from it.

”Tell me about these gods of yours?”. It took some time for Howard to stop mumbling for him to respond properly.

Once he did he said, ”once you know of their experience you can never unknow them”.

”I still want to know”.