96 Reunion (1/2)
Gresham and Peter approached the boarded up front door of the abandoned building together and knocked on it. The sound from the knocking echoed through the decaying building and reached the ears of those who rested inside.
The living room where five men currently resided was lit up by an electric lamp placed in the center of the room. Most of their bags were located next to it along with their food and drinks. The electric lamp barely illuminated the room enough for one of the five men who waited for Gresham's group to arrive to find his way to the front door.
The stout man who got up from his spot grunted as he fumbled over the bags in the center of the room to answer the door. As he opened the door letting his figure peep through a surprised gasp escaped Gresham's lips.
”Emerson, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the Elven Kingdom's capital Wynwood (Wynwood is the correct spelling)” all the tension and worry Gresham felt moments ago was placed in the back of his mind as soon as he saw Emerson's face.
Emerson was just as surprised to see Gresham, without a second thought Emerson's meaty arms opened wide to give Gresham a hug. Which Gresham did hesitate to receive.
”Gresham you little devil I can't believe how much you've grown your even taking on such important missions for the purifiers. I was actually planning on paying you a visit after this was over there's just so, much we have to catch up on”.
Gresham was still rubbing the back of his head blushing from all of Emerson's praise when he replied, ”I'm just doing what you taught me I've got to protect my family and my community. The purifiers is both so why wouldn't I put the work into improving it”.
Emerson grabbed both of Gresham's shoulders the said to Gresham, ”your mother Martha would be proud of you”.
Peter looked at the moment Gresham and Emerson were having as he checked the area with a look of concern then said, ”guys can you do that inside the fewer people that see us the better”.
Emerson realizing Gresham's colleague Peter was right he stepped back to let them both through the door and locked it when after they stepped in. As Emerson walked with Gresham and Peter to the living room he told them why he was there.
”When I learned of people claiming to have been able to contact actual gods I left Wynwood to check it out. After I learned it was true I joined a small group of people to help spread word of those gods that man told us about”.
”Gods so theirs more than one?”
Emerson fervently agreed, ”yes, there are dozens of them each one is strange and peculiar in their own may. Its something truly unique to this world none of us have ever seen before. No matter how much research we did we couldn't find any gods like them on record.
While Gresham trusted Emerson greatly he was still skeptical about what he said ”how do you know its not just some trick. Magic could have been used to fool everyone”.
”I had your same concerns, but this is different when you learn of what I'm talking about you will see how foolish it is to think such otherworldly beings and creatures could solely be devised by the mind of men”.
Gresham and Peter were both Intrigued, almost in unison they asked the same questions ”what kinds of gods are they”.
Emerson was pleased that they were willing to listen now he only hopes that they can keep an open mind. ”I'll let their messenger himself tell you”.
As Gresham and Peter walked into the livening room they were greeted by all the other in the room except one. He stayed seated on the floor in the corner with deadpan eyes. The man looked as though he hadn't slept in weeks as he kept a leather book close to his chest.